margo wrote:
Lunch! Why wasn't I invited?????
Oh Alright, you can come, too, margo. But only if you promise to behave this time! :wink:
So, I guess Gus has left this place forever, then?
Gone for good?
Heya, Fatima. Cool. Good to see Pan back too.
It seems I returned in good company
Hi Fatima , everyone speaks highly of you.
Hi Eva, nimh
Hi soz...hey! anybody seen the rabbit? I missed her too.
merci - I should have checked the new threads...which I hardly glance at anymore...
Fatima - great to see you!
I must join in on the hardy welcome to nice to hear from you! I hope you'll stay around. It's me, Ethel.....I've changed my name but not my iconoclastic attitude.
Goody, it's good to find old friends.
And of course, hi to Panz too. Although you haven't been gone as long as the prodigal Fatima. But don't think you should go missing for so long.....we'd miss you too much.
msolga wrote:Quite a few regulars appear to have gone AWOL.

This is a Summer phenomenon I think. The out doors beckons while it warm and beautiful.
But have we determined that Gus is gone for good? I hope not. What a loss!
Lola wrote:But have we determined that Gus is gone for good? I hope not. What a loss!
Several people on this thread have asked about Gus. On other threads I saw jp, diane, and shewolf also looking for Gus. Does someone know anything specific?
No, not that I know of. He's often gone for a few weeks, but it's been quite a while now.
Booman has disappeared again.
I haven't heard back from Gus yet.
ossobuco wrote:... He's often gone for a few weeks, but it's been quite a while now.
A thought: being Gus fulltime would be pretty time consuming & hard work. Maybe Gus has simply tired of being Gus?
Or maybe he's found something more interesting to which case...he'll be back eventually. Let's view this optimistically......
Gus......where are you when we need you?
And thanks for ckecking in Francis...we would have missed you anyway. But advance notice is always appredicated.
Lola - thanks for your kind words. I'm glad to be back.
Merry Andrew is missing for three weeks now...
Francis, I saw on ehBeth's ecology thread that Merry Andrew was having pc problems. I sent him a brief message, but no response as yet.