Re. The disappearance of Gustav.
Methinks that, as a token of thanks to Dag for starting his birthday thread, he took her off to a quiet place and showed her what he had hidden under his dungarees.
She was so impressed that she took him home, and now has him locked away in her coven room, using him as a sex slave at weekends.
the prince wrote:Where is seed ?
Wasn't he on his way to Iowa the last time he was here?
Did Gus ever come back from Long Island?
You mean gus is missing? Awe, damn!
Seal Poet is always missing, as far as I'm concerned.
Our Kicky is due back fairly soon...
Gus has taken a powder yet again...
Quite a few regulars appear to have gone AWOL.
Panzade hasn't posted since the 5th... anybody here from him?
jpin, I think panz is in Canada. Probably trying to avoid the hurricane season.
I didn't think Panz could survive that far away from the equator.
Thanks Letty.
Hey gang! I forgot to announce my departure here...soooorrry. Went up North looking for ehbeth,jeri and Montana...couldn't locate any of them.

good to see you back stateside, Panz.
Thanks Letty. Getting away from home is good for the soul sometimes.
How delightful, she of the wolf. I love that hand waving, and I also like the idea that you removed your resident witch signature. Hee Hee!
The Panz is back!
<missed ya>