thanks, letty and walter ! we have the usual problem : all packed and ready to go, but we still have to wait 24 for hours for the airport limousine(staying tuesday night in toronto, hope to see ebeth and flying out to san diego on wednesday). the tux has been brushed and mrs h declared it a good fit (i'm glad i bought it a size larger some years ago, never thought i would develop new muscles at my age !). walter: i'll have to learn how to walk like a sailor again, and also how to hitch up my pants the way a sailor does it(i'm sure you remember how-to !). hbg
Have a wonderful trip, Mr & Mrs hamburger!
Back from my adventures, much refreshed. My dominion is a bit larger.
Thanks. You make a cheerful hostess--come-hither wink and all.
A pleasure, Noddy! <wink, wink!>
I'd be interested in your NY adventures, Noddy. Maybe on another thread..
Yes, me, too!
And has anyone seen Misti lately?
Or dag?
dag and Misti have both been around.
Thanks, cav. Obviously on different threads.
Ah, good to see Husker back (and healthy?) and to see Bib after such a long sabbatical. Welcome.
Msolga, Ossobuco--
Perhaps on --after I tidy up the debris left by a bachelor husband.
Deb has been gone for only a few days & I miss her already!

Gadding about the Oz centre, enjoying her holiday ..... Forgetting we all exist!
Hey, Gal. Deb said that she was taking a break. Haven't seen Thok in a bit, either.
I still miss Codeborg.
So do I, ehBeth!

Why ever did he leave? Such thoughtful posts he wrote.
I'm trying to remember codeborg, Beth. Describe him/her.
A young he, Letty. Intelligent, thoughtful & very eloquent. I see if I can find a thread for you.