what's scary is that's my eye color...
But the stare is SO fixed! And so unhappy! I had to go to Seed's pimple popping thread to cheer myself up! :wink:
Great avatar msolga!...I was really close when I guessed at what it would be :wink:
msolga, if you refresh the page, you'll see that i wink at you 3X... :wink: :wink: :wink:
Yes, very close, colorbook! I posted the one you sent to me yesterday, to see if someone could enlarge it for me .... You know, for those days when a girl chooses to change her image a little .... :wink:
I'll be on the look out for another one for you, just in case you need a change
Oh, thank you, colorbook! As I said earlier, it was a very empowering experience for this Luddite to do something as advanced as change her avatar! :wink:
Now those are wonderful, colorbook! I just love the naughtiness of Felix!
Now, that's a bit less sinister!
We always considered Felix to be an Aussie cat!
This programme went on to say that, although he was originally an Australian creation, he was developed by an American working in the same studio. It was all highly contentious stuff. The Yank, whose name is lost to me, felt he hadn't had adequate consideration. Fooey to him, I say!
I've got no idea where I saw the programme - probably ABC or SBS..

It is unthinkable that Felix could be anything but a true blue Aussie, margo! Heresy! :wink:
Well, I have no idea at all about that, though I remember hearing of pacesetting movie.. but ne'r mind, your icon becomes you, MsOlga. I like both Felix and the background color, nce and rich.
Nodding to Felix..
Felix nodding back at Paco!

(Did I spell that correctly, osso?)
No, you failed abysmally. Paco is a nickname in espanol for Francisco (not positive, but I think so). Pacco in italian means package. He was lucky with that, the other choices were Bocce (which suprised me by being feminine - for a ball used in a particular game) or Sacco, as in sack. Or, of course, Sacco and Vanzetti.
Not knowing italian very well, only as a foreigner, I named him Pacco dono, as in gift package. I have no idea if italians say gift that way, and don't actually care, as he is my pacco dono nonetheless.
Aha, you posted in between, you clever cat.