I'm convinced that Thok is really steissd.
Really, ehBeth? I thought for the longest that Thok and Thomas were the same person.
Hey, yawl. snood is back.
That's someone I've really missed.
We're gonna have to coax him to stay. He needs to grok on over here.
but i can understand Thomas.
For me, I think thok is uniquely thok. Love the accent.
Dys and I are feeling our age after two weeks on the road and then Bernie and Lola staying with us for five days--arriving two days after we returned from the trip. We are REALLY tired but wouldn't have changed a thing--the trip was wonderful and Bernie and Lola are great fun. Also, we were able to whine together when Kerry lost the election.
Hey, Di. I was just thinking about your soft and lovely voice when I was trying to explain about American accents on another thread.
Yes, thok is unique, I just get the names confused.
Welcome back you 2. Gonna have to resurrect the UK comedy thread
Where is Drom? Where? I don't believe that she has hidden or adopted another name ( without it being immediately recognised) because she has such a beautiful, distinct, literate writing style.
shes gone my dear..
get over it and move on...
sorry but thats life...
i feel sad too...
but there is nothing anyone can do...
How do you know she's gone for good?
this is how i know she wont be back :
sorry to sound harsh about it...
Hey, Panzade, don't leave us in the dark: resurrect, resurrect. Comedy is in short supply these days and many of us are in dire need. Sob. Four more years....
Still, it's hard to believe that she would do anything which would jeopardise A2K.
Kicky hasn't been around in a few day's, I need a good laugh.
Hello, all you true believers at A2K. I ran into Letty and a couple others in another thread, and they said it might be a good idea to use this thread to tell ALCON that I'm back, after a l-o-o-o-n-n-n-g time gone.
...I sure missed readin' and writin' here - A2K folks say the most interesting stuff anywhere.