Letty, Walter's trying to control his Teutonic gag reflex.
Is frau Hinteler looking over your shoulder?
I've send her in the cellar - why do you ask?
I dunno, guess it's that male bonding thing...you know...when the wimmens ain't around.
Ooops, misread that - male bonding, you said
rum sodomy and the lash.....
good old british navy style male bonding....
Now that you mention it Col...what's with all the tradition of buggery in the public schools?...Kim Philby and all that?
Uh , never mind...off topic.

the horror of it all......
I'm rather sure that no-one will miss me, but just in case:
I wont be online (much) from Sunday onwards for eight days, since I'm showing some Anglo-Saxon "cousins" a bit more of their homeland :wink:
(Since "Steve (as 41oo)" is momentarily without working [internet] computer, he can't post this from another viewpoint.)
We WILL miss you Walter!!! Have fun.
We expect a tour too... when you all get back. Have fun!
Ah, Walter. I, among others, will most definitely miss you. Tell Steve hello from Letty. Miss him as well.
I'll miss you, Walter. Have a wonderful, relaxing time.
Will miss ya Walter and say a BIG HI to Steve !!
Havent seen Monger arnd for a while - whatever happened to him?
Thanks for your good wishes - and of course I'll tell Steve (and Mrs. Steve) about this!
Monger just 'jumps in' now and then ... speaking in foreign languages about computers etc
What happened to bi-polar bear? The last I saw he had some thread up telling everyone that bi-polar bear was actually the work of him (or is it "he"?) and a couple of his friends, and now he seems to have gone missing, and I can't find that last thread that he put up.
Could he have been kicked off A2K for that?
Kicky, you worry too much. Last week it was Gus...this week it's Bear. Would Squinney still be posting so calmly if he'd gotten booted?
Hmmm...maybe she cut him into pieces and hid the body in an oil drum ...cause she wants YOU!
He he, maybe I should start a thread telling everyone that I KNOW he's gone for good.
What a novel IDEA!...Wait...let me get a bear with a cheesehead avatar ready...
yeah she probably caught him with one of his young female 'victims' after 'karaoke' and disposed of him in a jealous rage