Thu 7 Oct, 2004 07:37 am
Saddam was a threat and WMD's or not we should have invaded.
Horseshit and disproven horseshit at that.
Liberals are Saddam sympathizers.
Too simplistic to even childish as the originator and the defenders of the statement. Liberals sympathize with Iraqi civilians....those "pesky innocent bystanders" Liberals could give a **** less about Saddam.
If we can't find WMD's that must mean they took 'em somewhere else.
No connection between Cheney, Halliburton and the White House.
No connection between cigarettes and cancer either.
The war in Iraq is not going's just that bad news is all we see.....
In the detective business we call that a clue.....
Feel free to argue my points but please don't make any comments about me personally....I'm very fragile......
Just the thought that you might say something personal about me has me all in a tither. Think I will run to my room and have a good cry.
now that's compassionate conservatism at it's height....
Can't we all just get along?

Ouch....what the hell was that...a nightstick in the groin...this should be a riot. Watts a riot you ask? Hmmm....I smell something burning....perhaps an 'f-u-g'.
no one is addressing he points of the post......just the vicious ad hominem attacks....that yer mama one....I didn't realize Set was capable of sucj vitriolic send a rat AND a bear off in tears.....well DAM!!!! Can we stick to the subject?
And can we have a group hug so rat and I will stop sniffling?
Sure, once you learn to spell.

Uh oh...that could be considered an ad hominem attack....<runs away>
OK, ok . . .
All conservatives eat poop salad sammiches and howl at Ann Coulter . . .
Setanta wrote:OK, ok . . .
All conservatives eat poop salad sammiches and howl at Ann Coulter . . .
set know conservatives don't like bread.......
Setanta, nice to see you. Perhaps you should rephrase:
"All Conservatives want to toss Ann Coulter's poop salad."
Uh oh, that might be considered a useless liberal argument.
<<conservative all leave the room with their pants down and a glazed over look in their eyes>>
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:cavfancier wrote:Sure, once you learn to spell.

Uh oh...that could be considered an ad hominem attack....<runs away>
well that hurts.....

Yeah yeah, pull yerself up from yer bootstraps already and embrace "rugged individualism". Oh wait, you already have, so that statement, by definition, is a useless conservative argument. :wink: