Below are the things that many posters on A2K like to use that are pointless, wrong or stupid.
1. The August 6 PDB showing that we knew Osama was planning to attack the US.
To me this epitomizes the liberal argument. "Look! Bush was too stoopid to see we knew Osama wuz going to attack us!!!!" It means nothing more than what it says. There is no underhanded chicanery taking place. It was a part of a briefing that the president gets from his security advisor. Read it for yourself and you tell me that if you read this pre-9/11 you would have known what to make of it.
Link to the PDB
2. Bush is a moron.
Clearly that's not true. I can not understand why someone doing something you disagree with makes him a moron, stupid or otherwise mentally impaired. Bush has a degree from Yale and Harvard. Doesn't matter how much money you have, no one has ever purchased their degrees from either university. Once you have called Bush one of these names, you only labeled yourself in my opinion. Has Bush made mistakes? Sure, what president hasn't? Does that make him a moron? Nope.
3. The 2000 election.
Gore lost, Bush won. That's it. Deal with it. No matter what anyone says, no matter how much anyone dislikes it, that's just the way it is.
4. The petty remarks and jabs and veiled insults.
From both sides. It's ridiculous. I am tired of getting angry at posters when there are so many issues to be angry at.
5. The remarks that follow this post
If you want to make a thread outlining conservative arguments that make you mad, do so. Make another thread.
If you want to make personal comments about me, please make them either funny or at the least original.