When i found this discussion at first , i did not expect much of it.
But now i am overjoyed that i HAVE found it

I have read all posts and have learned much about the people's point of view of the Dutch.
I have seen many things that i can familiarise with.
Now i just hope i can help by sharing ...knowledge?..wisdom?..no...by sharing what i know.
And this i what i can say about me.
I am three parts Dutch , one part Swedish.
I grew up in Hoorn/The Netherlands , when i was two we moved to Antwerp/Belgium.
I've lived 14 years in Belgium and 4 years in The Netherlands.
Making friends IS difficult for me , it takes long before someone earns my trust.
I can be very stubborn as my friends know. Once i've made a decesion i will stay with it.
But my friends also know i will never betray them , and that i'll always be there for them.
Truly , a Dutchman is a great friend once you know him.
As for the point that we are ''know-it-all's''.
I have had moments where i want to know beter then a person.
But what my theory is , is that we simply want to know all so we can teach all.
I for instance LOVE to share what i know.
Instead of calling people know-it-all's , try to see them as people who want to know

If i would randomly encounter a foreigner on vacation and start a conversation with him/her.
I would be most intrigued by his/her purpose of coming here ,
and i would ask many questions about the country he/she comes from.
Ofcourse i would be willing to give all answers to all the questions he/she asks about the country he/she is in.
I have a friend who has recently come from France here , he is trying to settle here.
He's also learning Dutch , and to do so he asks everyone to keep talking Dutch to him insteed of English or French.
But everytime he talks to me , i automatically respond in English.
(Another thing i read in the posts ^^^

Sure there might be racists in The Netherlands but not more that any other country.
It would be illogical of someone to think an entire country is racist.
It is widely spread that the Dutch like cheese and mayonaise.
And its true , i can not deny that i like fries dripping with mayonaise.
Or a sandwich with a big chunk of real Dutch cheese and double layers of mayonaise.
Or to chuck a whole haring down with some freshly sliced unions.
Lekker maatje !

(maatje is a synonym of haring in Dutch)
I can certainly familiarise with this

I've heard many times from my Belgian friends that i complain too much.
Even though i am not aware of doing it. I have many times caught myself from doing it.
It's like a reflex or an impulse. I think it's mostly boredom that makes us complain.
Atleast in my case

So i think that's about it

, i hope this will help people understand the Dutch beter.
If i forgot anything please say so. I've been awake for 19 hours , you start to forget things then

Well goodnight , goeienacht