Mon 4 Oct, 2004 04:29 pm
Hi, I'm John Kerry. It's nice to meet you.
Here's what the headline should read...
John Kerry, while campaigning in Green Bay, shows off to the crowd as he prepares to catch a laser-pass from Brett Favre.
"Got it out just in time to catch that football......"
I'm Matt Drudge and my head is closer to bushs' ass than this.......
I'm John Kerry and I need longer pants.
LV, sick but funny. :wink:
The Caption should read: Dan Rather might think this photo was not doctored. We know about Dan Rather.
At least Dan Rather's mother taught him to take his hat off inside. Someone might send Matt Drudge an etiquette book.
Nonetheless this photograph and anything from anonymous sources will now be presumed a fake.
Possibility #2:
In an informal remark backstage Bush has told Kerry that if he does win the presidency he'd better start working on passing the buck.
You just have to wonder who is the surprise Quarterback.
Possibility three. Bush is behind Kerry and it's Kerry's way to tell Bush to take a "hike."
president bush leads on the "path to the future"
Whatsa matter folks? Can't even caption a picture properly?
How's this, cjhsa. No spin:
"Pres. Bush, wearing very short pants, stumbles awkwardly."
sorry, can't help myself. always laugh at a good fart joke...