In the Jewish time-warp

Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 03:13 am
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 795 • Replies: 12
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 05:22 am
Jews are monotheists not monolithics. They care deeply about Israel but also about a vast variety of subjects important to the health of a nation like ours. So they will probably vote for the party a the broader view of the world then one can get from counting the number of times a word is found in a couple of speechs.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 05:56 am
Well, since 'John Kerry' is so concerned, how 2% of the US-American will behave at the poll, what about those 10% with no religion in relation how often someone from Pary 'A' or 'B'said "no", "none" etc ?

This list


gives some answers to here not posted questions :wink:
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 09:37 am
We'll vote for whoever we want to. I hardly think my preferences are the same as, for example, Corey Feldman, Ralph Lauren, Mark Cuban, Ivan Boesky, Lawrence Tribe, Alan Ginsberg, Wolf Blitzer, Wesley Clark (his Dad was Jewish), Paula Abdul, Henry Kissinger, David Stern, Monty Hall and Lisa Bonet (her mother is Jewish).

See http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-famous-Jews for more people who won't necessarily be voting the same way as I will.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 10:24 am
Well, I wouldn't see why anyone would let their religious persuasion dictate their vote, but often, I feel that some fanatic Christian groups might vote for Bush. based on what they THINK they see.

Jes, Robert DeNiro is Jewish? My word, that was a surprise somehow.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 10:26 am
Letty wrote:
Well, I wouldn't see why anyone would let their religious persuasion dictate their vote, but often, I feel that some fanatic Christian groups might vote for Bush. based on what they THINK they see.

Jes, Robert DeNiro is Jewish? My word, that was a surprise somehow.

Everyone votes on what they THINK they see, don't they Letty?
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 10:33 am
Larry, that's the main reason that I haven't watched Michael Moore's documentary nor Mel Gibson's Passion. I have a tendency to be emotionally caught up in stuff. Nor did I watch the debates for the same reason. I don't want anyone coloring my conscience. Yes, of course, we tend to read the message as it pertains to us....and don't forget what we think we HEAR. <smile>

You see, I just stereotyped DeNiro because I thought he was Italian and perhaps, Roman Catholic. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 04:06 pm
This is not the religious right you are referring to, who because of their religious beliefs will follow Bush right off a cliff.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 05:25 pm
..... and on to the afterlife where 40 virgins await them.......no wait, those are the OTHER fanatics.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 05:57 pm
Letty, Your opinion is already colored by what you read and see in the media. As an independent, I can tell you that the media has failed the American Public big time, and I'm not just talking about Fox or CBS.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 06:06 pm
this is a really bizarre question to ask... i don't think you intended it to be, but all jews do not think alike.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 06:14 pm
No, C.I. My opinion is colored only by human suffering, truly, ( including my own, incidentally). You see, the more we try to understand others, the less we know of ourselves.

Gala, you are right, of course. It's not just the Jewish community..it's any community. What is truly amazing is that folks can think differently, and still think the same...and thereby hangs redemption.
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Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2004 06:31 pm
I hate to sound ad hominem, but this thread is offensive.

Do us all a favor and try not to ask leading question that demonstrate your talent for painting Jews or any other group with one brush.

Zionists doubtless will not want to see Israel wiped out. And strange to say neither do anti zionists. It's a matter of who wants to make concessions and to "love one another" and who is hard line and wants the eternal great war.

I see the same division in this country amongs Jewish Americans of which I'm one as I see in the country. You're either a Kerry supporter or a Bush supporter. Or you don't see the difference between them.

I guess we'll have to go with our hearts and our conscience and let the candidate who gets the most votes win.

It's good to know what states approach fifty percent in the Protestant world. Isn't Protestant sort of an oxymoron when so few of them protest anything that Bush says or much of anything else that fits into their rubric? It must make someone feel almost complacent if one happened to be a Kentucky Colonel.

Imagine having a sense that you're always calling the shots and you never have to dissent for even a minute.
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