Schönbohm droht Lafontaine mit Beobachtung durch Verfassungsschutz
(Schoenbohm [Brandenburg Minister of the Interior] threatens Lafontaine with monitoring by constitutional protection agency)
Because of Lafontaine's one remark, two weeks ago, that "The state is obliged to prevent that family fathers and women become unemployed, because foreign workers take away their work places for low wages."
This is apparently considered a near-illegal remark to make in Germany. (Though admittedly, Lafontaine complicated things by using a controversial word for "foreign workers" ("Fremdarbeiter") that some associate with the Nazi era.)
Lafontaine himself claims he was just talking about - well, foreign workers working for low wages - in developing countries as well as here - which means employment insecurity for German workers (including Turkish-Germans, etc) here.
Pretty much standard fare for some politician or other to say in most other European countries.
I find this bizarre. I mean, the reaction. The Greens and SPD have been hitting him on that one word for two weeks now. The Germans are obviously still stuck where we were in the 90s: "no, you cant possibly even
mention that, just dont speak about it, dont anyone say anything about it, if we all just act like there arent people grumpy about this issue, then perhaps it will just disappear.
Yeah, or perhaps those grumpy people will head in increasing numbers to the NPD.
I'm telling you: declaring any vaguely xenophobic talk verboten wont make xenophobia disappear - it will make it fester underground - and then suddenly explode. You'll get a charismatic politician sometime who'll suddenly get 17% of the vote like Fortuyn did here too. You gotta
talk about these things. How are you going to persuade people to not vote NPD or DVU by telling them only that, you know - they just shouldn't
feel that way, they're bad people for feeling that way? Yeah, thats gonna make them regain their affinity for mainstream politics.
Here, this Schoenbohm fellow too (the Minister of the Interior of Brandenburg), repeats what Greens said before him: "The Socialist Lafontaine obviously seeks his voters also among the neo-nazis". Uhm, yeah. And that's bad?
Wouldn't it be a
good thing to persuade current NPD voters to vote something else instead? Wouldn't it be a good thing if a leftist party would succeed in stopping the bleed of working-class voters to the far right and offer them a home on the left instead? You know - by addressing
some of their concerns, without luring them into the full package of fascism like the NPD does?
Every vote less for the far right is one, as far as I'm concerned - I dont get how addressing current NPD voters is supposed to be
bad. Oh my god, he's trying to win the votes of people who now vote far right! Ehm, yeah, and the alternative is to declare anyone who ever switched to DVU, NPD or Reps politically contaminated and never to be talked to / addressed / tried to win back again? Sounds like the sure-firest way to incrementally boost their numbers to me.
I think the Greens especially are being hysterical about this. I dont myself for a moment agree with any closed-border policies. But I understand all too well why Dutch working-class people are apprehensive and resentful about all the change and insecurity wrecked in their lives the last decade or two, three. I wouldnt want
my party, the Green Left, to throw the programmatic steer around and vie for their votes on that topic - I feel at home in a party thats avowedly multicultural. But those people deserve political representation too! If thats what they're concerned about, then there should be some politicians in parliament talking about it! And I would personally much, much rather have those politicians be Lafontaine in Germany and Socialist Marijnissen in Holland, who at least address those concerns within the context of welfare state preservation, and without any actual ambition to "make Holland/Germany white again", than leave those voters alienated and eventually resorting to the only politicians who
will talk about their feelings - the pied pipers of the far right, who
will appeal to those feelings to make bona fide fascists out of those people.
<mutter, mutter>