We talked about it already in the
Following The EU thread: last week's elections in Germany's northern state of Schleswig-Holstein. It was quite spectacular: after the exit polls had shown the conservative opposition winning a narrow majority, the Christian Democrats and liberal Free Democrats celebrated all evening - until the final score showed up that the Socialdemocrat-Green coalition actually scraped by after all, be it barely: with support of the party of the Danish and Frysian minorities, it would be able to get a majority of 1 seat in parliament.
And so it's gone: pro forma negotiations between the Socialdemocratic SPD and the Christian-Democratic CDU broke down and now the SPD is negotiating with the Greens about a continuation of their coalition and with the Danish/Frysian SSW about a pledge to support/tolerate it. The parliamentary vote for Prime Minister of the state will take place on 17 March and current SPD Prime Minister Heide Simonis, who was the focus of an election campaign with the slogan He!de, is expected to be re-elected.
Anyway: what was missing so far were the actual numbers. So I thought I'd update this thread. Again, from left to right you have the number of votes (in thousands) this time and last time, and gains/losses in votes; the percentage, this time and last time, and gains/losses in percentages; and finally, gains/losses in percentages compared to the national elections of 2002.
PARTY '05 #k '00 #k +/- 2005 % 2000 % +/- 2002+/- CLASSIF
CDU/CSU 576 515 + 61 40,2 35,2 + 5,0 + 4,2 Chr-Dem
SPD 555 631 - 76 38,7 43,1 - 4,4 - 4,2 Soc-Dem
GRUENE 89 91 - 2 6,2 6,2 + 0,0 - 3,2 Greens
FDP 95 112 - 17 6,6 7,6 - 1,0 - 1,4 RW-Lib
PDS 11 20 - 9 0,8 1,4 - 0,6 - 0,5 Ex-Comm
SSW 52 60 - 8 3,6 4,1 - 0,5 + 3,6 Danish
NPD 28 15 + 13 1,9 1,0 + 0,9 + 1,6 Neo-Nazi
SCHILL * * * * * * - 1,5 FarRight
FAMILIE 12 * + 12 0,8 * + 0,8 + 1,9 Centr
GRAUE 8 4 + 4 0,5 0,3 + 0,2 + 0,3 Elderly
STATT * 9 - 9 * 0,6 - 0,6 * Local
OTHERS 9 6 + 3 0,6 0,5 + 0,1 + 0,3
TURNOUT 66,6 69,5
For the Christian-Democratic CDU, the result was the best since 1987 - although still less than in any of the 25 years before that. For the Socialdemocratic SPD, the results were marginally worse than those of 1996, and with that, the worst in at least 40 years. With turnout 3% lower than four years ago (though still at a decent 66,6%), the only party that scored a significant net gain of voters was the CDU, which got some 61 thousand votes more than last time.
Compared to the state elections of five years ago, there's a distinct shift of some 5-6% to the right, with the Christian-Democrats the big winner and the neo-nazi NPD and centrist Family Party picking up votes too, while the SPD is the big loser and the ex-communist PDS, alternative local party STATT and the right-wing liberal FDP lost ground as well. Compared to the national elections of three years ago, the picture is roughly the same, with the Christian-Democrats picking up exactly as much as the Socialdemocrats lost, while on the far right the neonazi NPD picks up the voters who opted for populist Schill back then, and the Greens, ex-communists and right-wing liberals lose ground to the centrist SSW and Family Party.