Grand Duke wrote:Because the Labour government, like many governments in history, decided that it knew better than the public (arguably true when you look at the rubbish they told us about WMD) and went ahead with the war anyway. A few cabinet ministers resigned in protest, but that was about it.
yep. the only place where there has been much support for the iraq invasion (as opposed to afghanistan, which i favored..) seems to be here in the u.s. generally it has been about a 50/50 split, though it's headed towards a higher number wondering if "it was worth it". i hear that tony's getting a real drubbing about it. the spin here is, that "terrorists changed the outcome of the spanish election with the madrid bombing". what they don't mention at the same time is that +/- 85% of the spanish population was against spain's involvement.
Quote:I was only joking really when I made my original comment about Americans and their politics, but I've enjoyed discussing it with you!
i know.

. didn't mean to come off harsh. a lot of the "seriousness" about politics, especially these days, is due to america's unresolved "cultural" issues. some people don't understand or want to acknowledge that culture is a living thing. frankly, i believe that most of the culture war boils down to religion.
Quote:PS. Every time I see your username & avatar, it reminds me of Metallica, who I had the good fortune to see on tour in '93. You a fan? Or is it reference to the Minutemen?
yeah, i like some of their stuff. "sad but true" is an all time favorite. for the thrashier stuff i kinda lean more towards megadeth. my wife, a gentle soul, leans quite far away from both ! lol! she's still into gabriel era genesis. i like pretty much all kinds of stuff as long as it's well done.
but the dtom thing is more my reaction to a right wing that claims to be in favor of less government while constantly attempting to foist it's version of "values" on others. i, and most americans, find it incredibly offensive.
been good discussing with you as well. catch ya later!