I do not understand who you can think our abilities have been curtailed. Iraq is now one less place terrorists will find a safe place to train or to get weapons. Palestinain terrorists find that it is much less lucrative to send their children to Allah than it once was. <--- McG
This is so far removed from reality, I don't even know where to begin.
Our military is
heavily tied up in Iraq. Big time. And it will be for at least a few more years. And you are claiming this does not reduce our ability to fight the global war on terror?
There are whole sections of Iraq we don't control at all. The people don't want us there. And you are claiming there will be LESS ability for terrorists to train there? How much training does a terrorist really need? It's not as if these people are soldiers. They blow things up, it's pretty simple, really.
We have created a huge number of people in Iraq who don't like us. At all. Previous to our invasion, these people didn't care about us one way or the other. And you say that this makes us safer? That none of these people, whose families we've killed, cities blown up, job blown up, would consider being a terrorist against us?
McG, seriously, you need to wake the hell up and smell the coffee. We are creating a WORSE situation over there than what existed before. That is not success. It is the opposite. Even if we did remove Saddam, if our actions cause more terrorism to sprout up (and it is hard to say they are not doing so) then we are failing.
Quote:Without the war, we still wouldn't know what weapons Saddam had or didn't have. That alone makes the war a worthy effort.
No, it doesn't. It wasn't worth the deaths of 15k Iraqis and 1k Americans. This is a very facist thing to say, that that many innocent lives were worth information that someone
couldn't attack us.