I understand saab's take on this; we are all pretty well followed, and while that one re the shoe was coincidental, I get immediate reactions sometimes that are actually on the scary side, re something I mentioned a matter of minutes ago. Spiders in action.
The net has long known how to find us. This can be scary, as there are disturbed humans in the news every live long day and some are near you, where ever you are. That doesn't bother me, at least immediately, as much as:
I've long carped about the ads directed to me, in Albuquerque. I don't buy much now and my idea of local is very local, but if you are going to give me ads, I want to see what is available in Boston, London, Dublin, Paris, Arles, Orvieto, Rome, Munich, Bratislava, Cairo, Tunis, Madagascar, Argentina, Peru, Costa Rica, Tokyo, Seoul, Goa, and so on. Piercing efforts to sell me stuff in a place I know is near silly. If I had wealth, I'd distribute much of it, but I'd also look around re stuff in ads in the wide world, being interested in different cultures and their products.
A bunch of years ago, back when I had a pal with an in at Turner, I considered working up a tv series on ceramics around the world, thinking of a well traveled friend as the host, and including explanations of the land and culture, by locals or experts. Oh, well, so it goes, but my interested in products is wider than any immediate place.
I get it, as in who will pay for the ads, but... something is missing in the concept.