Sun 26 Jan, 2003 01:11 am
My angel will be fourteen next month (ohmygawd) and I'm still not tired of watching him while he sleeps.
Even though I'm one of those people who could sleep through a World War, during the first year of my son's life, I would wake-up (several times a night) just to make sure he was still breathing and found myself staring at his beautiful, contented face for hours.
Doesn't get much better.
Sitting here with my 15 year old daughter, about to look in on Shakespeare's allusions and stopped by to read this.
Glad she sees how mommies love their babies.
Never slept through the night after my children were born. Having them safe at home, and snug in beds is the most wonderful, peaceful feeling...
(Daughter left. Too maudlin. But I got a hug!)