Sun 19 Sep, 2004 11:51 am
It's a very lovely State! If you get a chance to come back and you really want to see the coast. Head to Bar Harbor its a Maine must-see in the summer.
I like Maine! Mt. Cadillac is great and so is the LLBean store.
we hang out near Eastport. We take the "Airline" from Bangor to Meddybemps and cut south to our little camp.
Betcha dont see moose in downtown Bah HAbba. In Eastport theres one or two in each season, and during fall, they come out on the roads near rt 1.
Did you hear that they want to build 2 LNG plants north of Hancock and another near Eastport?
LNG scares the hell out of me.
What is LNG? Sounds nasty.
sorry, liquified natural gas.
Oh. I've heard of that, but I don't know why it is dangerous... explosive, huh?
Where did the VoiceofMaine go? I can't hear it anymore??
Where is Selkie? We need her to post about Maine here. She can just bout see Baaaaaah Haaaaahbuh from her place.
I thougth you were talking about Bar Harbor in Harbor Springs, MI. Last call for alcohol!
lNG, quite explosive and a sorry ass sulfur smell from doping it with mercaptans. Its gonna screw up our coastal area, which is so pristine now.
I'm sorry to hear about this, Farmerman. I like pristine coastlines. Are these plants processing LNG brought from somewhere else, or are is it there in the ground?
I was just on our own reasonably pristine shore this morning and noticed a beach grass growing with gusto. I'm afraid it might be the beachgrass that is damaging the Oregon sand dunes. We took photos to get a postive identification. I hope it is a native grass and not this unwelcome other. We also saw & photographed a very large patch of poison oak... lovely & red & dangerous as heck to those who are allergic. At least it is a native.