Who's the real flip flop.

Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2004 10:02 am
I'm writing this topic to balance the playing field, I feel one side is convincing the minds of America of a theme that just isn't true, and that theme being Bush is strong and Kerry is weak because of flip flopping. The fact of the matter is they're both flip floppers. I've gathered information and taken the most interesting parts and presented them here:

In March of 2002 Bush said that homeland security wouldn't "solve anything."
Three months later Bush asked us to create homeland security.

In September of 2001 Bush says he wants Osama "dead or alive."
One year later Bush says "I truly am not that concerned about him [Osama]" (WTF!)

In May of 2003 Bush said "we found the weapons of mass destruction."
One year later Bush says "we haven't found stockpiles (of weapons of mass destruction)."

In June of 2000 Bush favored leaving it up to a woman about abortion.
Four months later Bush says "I am pro-life."

In February of 2000 Bush's view on gay marriage: "The state can do what they want to do."
Four years later Bush calls on us to "ratify and protect marriage as a union of man and woman."

Here's the best one:

-In April of 2004 Bush said "can you ever win the war on terror? Of course, you can."
-Four months later Bush says "I don't think you can win [the war on terror]."
-ONE DAY later Bush reassures (himself?) and says "Make no mistake about it, we are winning and we will win [the war on terror]."

The rest of George W. Bush's flip flops:

When everyone talks about Kerry being a flip flop they talk about the biggest issue, the war in Iraq. Kerry was for it in May of 2003 that's because Bush convinced all of us that we had to disarm and that's what Kerry and all of us wanted, to disarm Iraq.

Now that there aren't any WMDs, people are dying, and theres more hatred for America wouldn't you change your mind? But of course we're IN the war so we HAVE to finish it, but that can only lead someone to say they'll support the war, but against it...

All I'm saying is[/u], you can't pick on one person because the truth of the matter is that BOTH these candidates change their minds and flip flop on plenty of issues. If in November you're decision is based on one person being a flip flop and the other one not, then you're ignorant and gullible.

I'm not telling anyone who they should vote for, I'm stressing the principle that as a voter make sure you inform your self about all the candidates before you vote for one. Oh, and freakin vote, damn, we have too little voters out there with 50% of registered voters not voting, what's your problem!? VOTE! Hehe.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 775 • Replies: 5
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 06:02 am
Good post Prov...and welcome to A2K
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John Kerry
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 11:22 am
Joh Kerry has much more flip flops than Bush ever will.. we are the best flip-flopper.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 01:50 pm
...you certainly are.
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Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 04:07 pm
The problem with their logic when people say Kerry is flip-flopping is they give examples of how his opinion changed between 1970-something and today. HELLO!!! I think 30ish years is a fair amount of time for someone to be able to change his mind about something! I'm not even 18 and I've been on both extremes of the political spectrum in my life. Since the '70's many things have changed, so wouldn't it be bad if your views on the world stayed the same through huge changes? And Kerry is one of many who flip-flopped on the war. I believed Bush at first, but now in hindsight, I see that he was feeding us a bunch of bull. I would rather have for a leader someone who is constantly reevaluating his views and opinions than someone who is stubborn and refuses to change when the world around him is moving on.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2004 04:28 pm
Some people are flip floppers...others are morons.

I'll vote for a flip flopper over a moron any day.
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