swestover wrote:I did step up and tell him he needs to pitch in more and he has for the last few days. hopefully it will continue. I just do not think kids should be made to do all the chores. Thank you for all you advice!!!
*clean the kitchen, the living room, family room, bathroom
*start laundry
*after dinner he makes the oldest do dinner dishes
This is not a long chore list!!! I suppose it depends on
how dirty the rooms are when they are getting cleaned (
daily) and how deeply they get cleaned... I mean,
my kids do these rooms daily and it takes about 10 minutes to straighten them up each when done on a daily basis. And what is there to cleaning the dinner dishes? You rinse 'em, run the garbage disposal (or compost/feed the dog the scraps), make up a sink of sudsy water and wash and rinse again (or put them in the dishwasher...) Even if you clear the table yourself, this chore doesn't take more than 20 minutes to complete...
Is your 3 yr old allowed to be a Mr./Ms. Destructo all day and
that is the mess they are cleaning up after?
Or pets?
I simply can't imagine other activities that would make cleaning daily such a monumental task...