Tue 14 Sep, 2004 03:32 am
Keep repeating that mantra while we stick it in a little farther....and for God's sake relax.......
"Let me be clear. The ACLU will not be intimidated. We will not compromise. We will never check any of our employees against a government list. And we absolutely will not accept any funding that undermines or threatens our principles or our mission. "
So come one, come or illegal...terrorist or not.
Bush is my shepherd, I shall not think ...
Everybody loves a black list until their name gets on it.
woiyo wrote:"Let me be clear. The ACLU will not be intimidated. We will not compromise. We will never check any of our employees against a government list. And we absolutely will not accept any funding that undermines or threatens our principles or our mission. "
So come one, come or illegal...terrorist or not.
welcome long as you're polite here, you can continue to be a neocon takes a little getting used to......this is a great site.....
Like it or not the ACLU is often the only protection we have against government tyranny. In this nation everyone has the right to his day in court.
If the present regime had it's way the head of the Gestapo, Ashcroft would stifle all dissent .
They never miss a beat. Terror,terror, terror.
Cheney Speaks on School Killings
By The New York Times
OTTUMWA, Iowa, Sept. 13 - Mr. Cheney said Monday that last week's massacre at a school in the southern Russian town of Beslan had caused some foreign leaders who have been skeptical of America's aggressive foreign policy to reconsider.
"Some of our European friends have been somewhat ambivalent," Mr. Cheney told a town hall meeting inside an airport hangar on the outskirts of this small town in southeast Iowa. He mentioned no nations by name.
Some foreign countries have probably been thinking that "if they kept their heads down," their citizens would not suffer terrorist attacks, the vice president said. "Well, Russia got his anyway," he said.
As a result, Mr. Cheney said, "people are reassessing now" whether they should shed their ambivalence and openly support Mr. Bush's policies.
like I've always's eerie how much good luck and good timing on it bush has........and if people die well, you can't make an omelette......
Cheney actually said that? It's not, like, from the Onion?
Yeah, RUSSIA's aggressive foreign policy really saved 'em from that one...
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:like I've always's eerie how much good luck and good timing on it bush has........and if people die well, you can't make an omelette......
Well, you can make a giant omlette from the spilled guts of a Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall. Nobody could figure out how to put him back together, but they could have had a really nice lunch, if any of them knew how to cook.
It is also amazing how his good luck always centers on human tragedy. Maybe he is in league with the Devil?
BPB - I would consider my view to be more a realist than alarmist.
NEOCON??? Amazing the labels some will apply to ampoint of view.
Re the ACLU: It amuses me, as a member, how the organization has become a boogey man for the Right. O'Reilly I've heard terming it "the most dangerous group in America."
Really, Bill? The most dangerous? Well, they must be doing something right...
Why amazing??
When an employer publicly states that it will NEVER do background checks on it's new hires, it should be a cause of concern.
What they said is that they wouldn't use the infamous black list that is impossible to get off if you happen to get on by mistake. There are plenty of ways to verify a persons identity, citizenship, legal status, etc without relying on this list.
FreeDuck wrote:What they said is that they wouldn't use the infamous black list that is impossible to get off if you happen to get on by mistake. There are plenty of ways to verify a persons identity, citizenship, legal status, etc without relying on this list.
How can you tell the difference now a days, illegals are able to get the same type of ID that you are besides maybe a social security card, but give people like the ACLU a chance, they will get everyone a SS# and then we will be forced to carry cards that claim you are a citizen. No wait I take that back, the ACLU would call that unconstitutional because it might hurt non-citizens feelings and we don't want that now do we.
There are plenty of other groups that do the same thing as the ACLU but do it without the liberalism and socialism. Given enough time I'm sure the ACLU will manage to sue everyone they don't like and disagree with. That will leave them and the rest of the neo-Bolsheviks that support them. I guess that includes many on this board.
Duck - All the more reason they should check all lists. Especially during these times it just seems prudent.
Let's all go barmy and join the army - see the world we never saw
And when we're feeling down we wander into town
And if the population
Should greet us with indignation
We'll chop 'em to bits because we like our hamburgers raw!
Why not a hamburger omlette? Rugby players eat their dead. Why not you?
woiyo wrote:Duck - All the more reason they should check all lists. Especially during these times it just seems prudent.
Not when there is no way to verify that people on the lists belong on the lists and no way to remove them if they don't.
Baldimo, methinks maybe you don't know exactly what the ACLU does. They did come to the defense of Rush Limbaugh, after all.