You are too brainwashed to know your own brainwashing, Baldimo. But you love to avoid the facts to talk about all manner of inanities.
You, and the folks you mention are of the same cowardly stripe as you. When John Stockwell describes the deep evil of the US, which he describes as coming from US government sources, which it is, you still all run for cover, just as you have done in these latest discussions.
"By the way, everything I'm sharing with you tonight is in the public record. The 50 covert actions - these are secret, but that has been leaked to us by members of the oversight committee of the Congress. I urge you not to take my word for anything. I'm going to stand here and tell you and give you examples of how our leaders lie. Obviously I could be lying. The only way you can figure it out for yourself is to educate yourselves."
John Stockwell
And just what have successive US governments done. Again, John Stockwell.
"Systematically, the contras have been assassinating religious workers, teachers, health workers, elected officials, government administrators. You remember the assassination manual? that surfaced in 1984. It caused such a stir that President Reagan had to address it himself in the presidential debates with Walter Mondale. They use terror. This is a technique that they're using to traumatize the society so that it can't function.
I don't mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but you have to understand what your government and its agents are doing. They go into villages, they haul out families. With the children forced to watch they castrate the father, they peel the skin off his face, they put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children."
John Stockwell