Sun 12 Sep, 2004 08:46 am
In these trying, difficult times of war and terrorism, our great leader, President George W. Bush, is working tirelessly to protect the homeland and the people who call themselves Americans.
While his detractors have labeled him a dolt, a dummy, and a even a drunk and drug addict, Mr. Bush awakes each morning and hits the floor running, fully engaged and ready to roll.
With his loving and devoted wife, Laura, at his side, President Bush works 18 hour days to carry out the demanding duties of the office of the leader of the free world. Yet, as busy as he is, Mr. Bush still finds time to call his girls, Jenna and Barbara, and changes hats, becoming a regular father of 2 beautiful young women.
The President understands he cannot please everyone and even though his detractors are working double-duty to assist the forces of evil in the world commited to destroying our great nation, Mr. Bush habors no ill-will against his enemies.
One day, in the distant future, I, as well as many others, believe President George W. Bush's face will adorn Mt. Rushmore.
Mr. President, I salute you!
Welcome, cone.
You'll find more than a few kindred spirits (as well as plenty of dissenters to your O) here on this forum.
I look forward to disagreeing with you on virtually every single current-events topic, hopefully without the disageeableness that poisoned and ultimately killed that other place we used to chat.
Would he be above Reagan on the mount? Are those really done with paper-mache and chicken wire?
Pragmaticone wrote:In these trying, difficult times of war and terrorism, our great leader, President George W. Bush, is working tirelessly to protect the homeland and the people who call themselves Americans.
Isn't it amazing that Americ's worst day in history has been made into Bush's finest hour? Seems to me there is something ironic in that... What should we gather from it?
That we should be thankful we have George W. Bush as president instead of Al Gore? I know that's something I can gather from it.
Bush works "tirelessly?" Since he's AWOL from the White House 55% of the time (more than Saint Reagan), it's hardly accurate to says Bush works tirelessly for anything except leisure time.
Bush on America's Mount Rushmore? Ah, just out of curiousity, what is the Mercury levels in your region's drinking water? I think you need to switch to bottled water.
McGentrix wrote:That we should be thankful we have George W. Bush as president instead of Al Gore? I know that's something I can gather from it.
Osama Bin Ladin and Al-Sadr are thankful, as well as the theocratics rulers in Iran and CEO's of countless companies.
So why shouldn't we be thankful....
Prag, welcome. I, like diddie, liked your posts on abuzz. (I got fond of reading your style of using complete sentences, It was unique among the righties of abuzz). the righties over here are more like you. Having said my welcomes, I look forward to your sides take on events and politics.
Have you read "Bush's Brain" Yet?. The concept of his hardworking is, to me, strongly debatable
Goodness, apparently this isn't irony.
I'm all for the Mt. Rushmore idea too. But let's be bi-partisan. Republicans can carve the front, and we democrats can demostrate what's going on at the rear.
blatham wrote:Goodness, apparently this isn't irony.
I'm all for the Mt. Rushmore idea too. But let's be bi-partisan. Republicans can carve the front, and we democrats can demostrate what's going on at the rear.
what? the less noticable, but powerful likeness of cheney with his hand up the back of bush's coat ?
My christ, that wasn't sarcasm?
Idolatry is alive and well (sic) in the American politic.
I am just flabbergasted wondering what it is about that man that seems to inspire such godly worship.
When I see George Bush I just see a spoiled sadistic mamma's boy who continues to get positions handed to him on a platter.
Why would any intelligent individual be remotely surprised by the need of the American sheeple, post-9/11 to have a leader they can not only look up to, but admire, and respect, and trust?
George W. Bush isn't perfect, but he's a far cry better than porno boy Clinton, or nutcase Dean, or Kerry-Heinz.
massagatto wrote:Why would any intelligent individual be remotely surprised by the need of the American sheeple, post-9/11 to have a leader they can not only look up to, but admire, and respect, and trust?
George W. Bush isn't perfect, but he's a far cry better than porno boy Clinton, or nutcase Dean, or Kerry-Heinz.
He's a goddam moron, Gato...and he is surrounded by men who scare me one hell of a lot more than any Usama Bin Laden.
These people...and the other American conservatives shooting off their mouths right now...constantly talk about protecting American democratic values...but they show they know nothing about those values.
They talk about backing our service men and women...yet they back a moron and Vietnam evader like George ADumbyaOL Bush...and trash men who went into danger while they cowered.
They are a bunch of phonies...and they have done more to harm America and the world than the terrorists.
But you conservatives can't see that yet.
You conservatives can never see that you are all wrong...even though American conservatives have been on the wrong side of every major issue this country has ever faced.
For you to give the lecture you gave, ludicrous.
By the way, Gato...
...Bill Clinton was 10 times the president George Bush will ever be.
George suffers from Combat Related Bowel Movements and there are plenty of "helpers" cleaning his pants.
i just want to take this moment to welcome all the Abuzz people who are able to speak in full sentences and without special"steering" words .
I truly feel a lot of love hereTHE hOSTILITIES WILL RE COMMENSE- Ithank you
Mcg wrote
Quote:That we should be thankful we have George W. Bush as president
I am sure the families of the 1000+ Americans killed in Bush's war and the many thousands in hospital with broken bodies are thankful. Don't you think? I will be thankful when the stupid warmonger is out of office. If there is a God I hope he is made to pay for his perfidity.