@Robert Gentel,
Well, we've already established that you and I disagree on this, but since you're continuing to push your narrative that the media doesn't have great culpability in the rise of Trump, I feel obligated to provide dissent.
The media has not done their job - by working to normalize all Trump's atrocious behaviors and pronouncements from the very start, they have helped create the illusion that he is doing nothing out of the ordinary. They know his behavior has reached unprecedented lows for a public figure, but they exploit it for ratings, rather than expose the lies, distortions and insults that make up his campaign.
He has said and done things that would have - until him - been considered at least marginal behavior and most likely unacceptable in a public figure. But they have worked overtime to make his atrocious and shameful behavior appear just 'politics as usual.' How? By quickly moving on from one ridiculous, unsupportable statement of his to the next without challenge, so as not to be "scooped" by the competition in the 24 hour news cycle. By finding a false equivalency for every statement or behavior of his - as if everyone is doing the same kind of foul, dehumanizing, racist spiel. I saw it
this morning. When Alex Castellanos (Trump surrogate) was asked about Trump's latest profane behavior against the parents of a Muslim war hero, they allowed Castellanos to answer by raising the charges about Hillary supposedly causing Americans in Benghazi to die. They allowed him to do that, then nodded and moved on.
Years after the run-up to Bush's Iraq invasion, a lot of stories surfaced about how the media had done the public a grave disservice by not being tougher on Bush administration representatives - by not asking tougher questions. There were stories about how some of them knew Bush's justification was shaky, but they just went along with the crowd. Phil Donahue lost his top -rating show at MSNBC because he was outspoken in questioning the run-up to Iraq.
I say we we will see those type stories surface years from now about Trump's rise, and how it could have been checked by genuine journalism. Unless Trump wins. Then the press probably won't be free enough to comment about such things.