Transcript of Dan Rather's Ben Barnes interview

Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2004 12:16 pm
Transcript: Barnes On Bush
Sept. 8, 2004

Read a complete transcript of Dan Rather's interview with Former Texas House Speaker and Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, the man who says he helped get President George W. Bush into the National Guard.
First of all, thank you for doing this.

Glad to be here. Yeah.

Let's get a little background. You were speaker of the Texas House at age 28.

I think it was 26, Dan.

Twenty six. I stand corrected. What was that like?

Well, first of all it was a long time ago. But it was fascinating, and it was a very interesting time in which to be in Texas politics and America politics. The negative was Vietnam. The positive was the fact that we were doing so many things.

John Connolly was governor. Lyndon Johnson was president. A lot of exciting things were happening. The space center was coming to Texas. Higher education appropriations were doubling and tripling each the legislature met. Texas was moving, and to play a small role was very exciting for a-- particularly for a young man.

Well, set the scene for me. At the time, what was about to develop in Texas politics? What was in the presses -- developing?

Well, Texas was a one party state. John Tower had gotten elected to the United States Senate in a special election when Lyndon Johnson became vice president. And then there was only one Republican congressman I believe -- Congressman George Bush from the River Oaks area of Houston.

And so that we did not have two parties. It was the beginning of the two-party system in Texas, but Lyndon Johnson was going to be wrestling with Vietnam. And it was gonna divide the country and it was gonna cause a lot of problems in Texas. It was going to be a political revolution as opposed to evolutions that normally take place in states.

Well, view for me who the major players were.

Well, obviously, President Johnson, Sen. Ralph Yarborough.


A Democrat. John Connolly-- a Democrat governor. Preston Smith, the Democratic lieutenant governor. All of our state office holders were Democrats. And there was only one Republican in the state Senate when I presided over the Senate as lieutenant governor, and I think maybe two or three Republicans were in the house when I was speaker.

And George Bush, now we know called George Bush I, was a Republican congressman?

Yes, he was.

And where did you fit in?

Well, I'm not too sure, that I was just very glad to be at the party, as young as I was. And having been elected and having the opportunity to serve at the time. And then to be elected lieutenant governor, there's only been three people that have taken the trip from one side of the capitol to the other and that was a great honor. But I don't know exactly where I fit in. I fit in as a person who was very, very interested and excited about the great things that I think we were doing for Texas.

Well, would you argue if I said this was sort of the pecking order in the Democratic party's power structure? Of course, President Johnson was president. John Connolly, governor. Then Preston Smith, current governor Preston Smith as lieutenant governor. That would be probably the pecking order. And as speaker of the house, you fit in somewhere below that?

Yes, that's correct.

All right. Now, you became lieutenant governor when?

In 1969. I was elected in 1968.

And the lieutenant governor has more power than most lieutenant governors in Texas. For example, he controls the agenda in the State Senate?

Yes. And the speaker and the lieutenant governor really control the purse strings of Texas. Our office of governor is a relatively weak office. Our constitution was written at the conclusion of the Civil War. And a Democratic legislature wrote a new constitution and wrote the governor of Texas-- the office of the governor of Texas into a relatively weak position.

We had the draft. What was called Universal Military Training at that time. How did that fit into the picture and the tumultuous events surrounding the Vietnam War?

I was a supporter of President Johnson's position on the Vietnam War and I traveled through the United States passing resolutions at various organizations that I was a member of and supporting his position on Vietnam. As did almost all of the elected officials in Texas.

It was a very turbulent time, Dan. It-- young people were taking to the streets. President Johnson spoke on an event on the University of Texas campus. And there were some 2,000-3,000 students and other people in the streets. And interrupted the president's speech. And it was really-- almost unsafe for President and Mrs. Johnson to return to their car that night and for us all to depart that building. It's hard for people that weren't alive at that time to understand the animosity and the outright-- despising, even as far as hate, that existed in people that were opposed to war.

And the attitude toward the draft by this time had become what?

Well, it had become-- it had become very, very difficult for moms and dads who had young men that were draft age to accept-- particularly later in the Vietnam conflict. To accept the fact that their son or dau-- or their son-- was gonna have to go to Vietnam. And that was not something that anybody wanted for their children to do. Certainly not anybody that I (UNINTEL).

You almost corrected yourself. You said son or daughter and then you said sons because daughters are not eligible for the draft?

They were not in that. And it's changed in the last 30 years with women playing such an important role in our military. But not in the '60s.

I want to ask you to go back and tell me the story. Tell me the whole story. Tell me the truth, the whole truth about what happened with George W. Bush and the draft and the National Guard. Start at the beginning. Take me right through it.

Well, first of all I want to say that I'm not here to bring any harm to George Bush's reputation or his career. I was contacted by people from the very beginning of his political career when he ran for governor, and then when he ran for president and now he's running for re-election. I've had hundreds of phone calls of people wanting to know the story.

And I've been quoted and misquoted. And the reason I'm here today, I really want to tell the story. And I want to tell it one time and get it behind us. And again it's-- this is not about George Bush's political career.

This is about what the truth is. About the time in which I served and the role I played. Sid Adger (PH), a friend of the Bush family, came to see me and asked me if I would recommend George W. Bush for the Air National Guard. And I did.

And I talked to a Gen. Rose, who was the commander of the Air National Guard. I don't know whether my recommendation was the absolute reason he got in the Guard. He was a Congressman's son. He graduated from Yale. He was a person that would have been eligible.

But there was a long list of people waiting to be, or hoping to be a candidate for the Air National Guard, and for the Army National Guard. That was one route that young men had to go to-- or that was available to a very special few to-- be able to avoid being drafted and being able to avoid going to Vietnam. Although some National Guard people later went to Vietnam.

Sid Adger. Who is he?

Sid Adger is a-- was an oil man.

Sid Adger.

He's deceased now, Dan. He was a friend of the Bush family and a success oil man in Texas that was a friend of Bush family and a friend of mine.

Was he a contributor to your political campaign?

I don't know. I would be surprised if he was not a contributor. I've tried to make everybody a contributor to my political campaigns in Texas that had any money. But I suspect he probably gave a small contribution. I don't remember that. That's nearly 40-some odd years ago now.

What-- people such as Mr. Adger frequently gave money to political campaigns on both sides?

Oh, that's true in Texas. And-- and-- but you also gotta remember that there was a Democratic side that had about 200 elected officials and a Republican side that had two elected officials. So it was very easy to people to get to Democrats as well as Republicans. I think later, it may be that maybe Sid Adger might have been a card-carrying Republican. But I don't remember what his party affiliation was.

When he came to see you, how did he get access to you? Did he call you? Write you a letter?

Oh, he just called. I was a young, ambitious office holder. I don't think I probably turned down very many-- very few people. Or I-- everybody got to see me that wanted to see me. I tried to make that possible.

So he came here to see you. Do you remember what he said?

Well, it's been a long time ago, but he said basically, would I help young George Bush get in the Air National Guard?

And you said to him that you would. You could do that?

I said that I'd be happy to call Gen. Rose, who was the commander there at National Guard.

Help people understand what's the relationship between -- you were then-speaker of the House?

What's the relationship between the speaker of the House and the general of the National Guard?

Well, I don't know that there's an automatic relationship there. But Gen. Rose happened to be a personal friend of mine also is what-- as well as a political friend. But the National Guard is really a branch of the state government.

While they receive federal appropriations, they still rely on the state legislature for various and sundry legislations. So any speaker or lieutenant governor or governor is gonna have some influence with the national guard. And the governor of Texas appointments the general, who is the commander of the of the National Guard?

It's been a long time ago, but do you remember whether you called him or wrote him?

No, I really don't. Whether I called him or wrote him. More than likely I called him, but I don't think I wrote him. The Air National Guard was in Austin, where the state capital was. And more than likely I picked up the phone, called Gen. Rose.

And roughly, what would you have said to him?

Dan, I got a lot of young men from prominent families in Texas in the National Guard. Not that I'm necessarily proud of that. As I reflect back, particularly after I walked through the Vietnam Memorial recently in Washington and saw the thousands of names of the young men who lost their lives there -- it's a fact that I'm not really proud of.

But I was a young, ambitious politician -- doing what I thought that was acceptable, that was important to make friends. And I recommended a lot of people for the National Guard during the Vietnam era -- as speaker of the house and as lieutenant governor.

And you recommended George W. Bush?

Yes, I did.

Had you ever met him?

No, I had not.

Met his father?

I met his father. I knew his father. And his father was a fine congressman who worked very closely with those of us in Texas who were trying to get things done.
And you said you did this for others. Had you done it for others before you asked for some-- like we normally call preferential treatment?


--for President Bush?

I'm sure that I had done it previously. I don't remember the exact order. But I know I had done it for others, I'm certain, but-- at that time.

Well, I used the phrase "preferential treatment." Perhaps I shouldn't have. Would you describe it as that? A request for preferential treatment? Or how would you describe it?

Oh, I would describe it as preferential treatment. There were hundreds of names on the list of people wanting to get in the Air National Guard or the Army National Guard. I think that would have been a preference to anybody that didn't wanna go to Vietnam that didn't wanna leave. We had a lot of young men that left and went to Canada in the '60s and fled this country.

But those that could get in the Reserves or those who could get in the National Guard meant that they could serve and get their military training. And chances are they would not have to go to Vietnam. The Vietnam era was different from the era now in that Air Natio-- all National Guards and Reserve units-- have been called into military fighting now.

And what year was this, Ben?


By 1968, casualties in Vietnam were running high.


Did you or did you not think at that time, "I'm a little uncomfortable with this." Or did you have long talks with your conscience? A lot of our best young men were going into that green jungle hell and dying or being maimed for life.

Did you say to yourself, "I'm a little uncomfortable with doing this?" Or were you at that stage of your life and your political career where you just said, "Look, this is the way business is done." Help me understand that?

It would be very easy for me to sit here and tell you, Dan, that I had-- I wrestled with this and lost a lot of sleep at night. But I wouldn't be telling you the truth. I-- very-- not eagerly, but I was readily willing to call and get those young men into the National Guard that were friends of mine and supporters of mine.

And I did it. Reflecting back, I'm very sorry about it. But, you know, it happened. And it was because of my ambition, my youth, my lack of understanding. But it happened. And it's not, as I said, it's not something I'm necessarily proud of.

You've thought about it a lot since then?

I've thought about it an awful lot. And you walk through the Vietnam memorial, particularly at night as I did-- a few months again. And-- I tell, you'll think about it a long time.

How do you feel about it now?

Well, I don't think that I had any right to have the power that I had to be able to choose who was gonna go to Vietnam and who was not gonna go to Vietnam. That's a power. In some instances when I looked at those names, of-- maybe of-- of determining life or death. And that's not a power that I wanna have.

Too strong or not to say that you're ashamed of it now?

Oh, I think that would be a-- somewhat of an appropriate thing. I'm very, very sorry.

Okay. Did George Bush Sr. call you to thank you or write you to thank you?

I've been asked that question many times and I don't think that he called me. And newspaper reporters have gone through my-- the archives and looked for letters. I-- it'd be impossible for me to remember if I'd gotten a letter.

Or it could-- if-- at that time that George-- that President Bush appeared on the scene, that was 32 years at that time. Now, it's almost been 42 years. To remember would have been difficult. But I think everyone has ascertained that there's-- no such letter exists. And I don't remember him calling me or running into me and saying thank you.

Anytime since that time? It's been a long time and you've crossed paths any number of times since then?

Well, we've kind of crossed paths. He's never said thank you for that. I mean we've had very warm conversations. But, you know, a lot of time-- a lot of time has passed. It's not-- sometimes people don't think if it-- 20 or 30 years has gone by that they even remember that they need to say thank you.

OK. What was your relationship with the Bush family at that time you made this request for the National Guard to make a place for George W. Bush? Did you know the family well? Did you know the father well?

I knew the father. I didn't know him well. He was a congressman. If people are historians or remember history that far back in Texas, that were people that were speculating that in 1970, George Bush was gonna run for the Senate.

And there were people speculating that I was gonna run for the Senate in 1970. I didn't run and Lloyd Bentsen did run. And he defeated Sen. Yarborough in the primary. And then he ran and defeated President Bush in the-- President Bush I, as you correctly said.

President Bush I in the general election. So there was a possibility at that time that I was making that decision that he and-- that his father and I might have been even running against one another for the Senate. But I don't know that that was a part of my thought process when I agreed to do the recommendation for Sid Adger.

You say it's been a long time ago. It's inside Texas politics. But what an irony, you were up and coming, fair to say a rising star in the Democratic party, with a -- not only a Democratic president, but a fellow Texas president. Talk of you possibility running for a Senate seat in 1970.

George Bush won. Was a Republican congressman, a rarity in Texas, fair to say, at that time,who was thinking of running in 1970. And at that time, you used your influence to help get his son his place in the National Guard, it was being pretty well speculated you might be running against George Bush the first in 1970?

Well, that was probably a correct assumption. If I had to run, I don't think Sen. Bentsen would have run. And that-- and so-- politics might have-- the history might have been a little different.

But remember that in Texas we really still had just one party. And the fact that I helped a Republican, that's that was not out of the ordinary because everybody that was in office -- was very interested in having all of the people of Texas to vote for them. Particularly the business community. Particularly the people that were prone to be Republican . So, that was-- that was not anything unusual.

Well, fair or unfair to say that George Bush I had some power himself. He was a Republican congressman and seen as a rising star of his party. Representing a very wealthy district in the largest county in the state in terms of population.

That's correct. He was well known and well liked.

Let me get back to the facts of the matter. By calling the head of the Texas National Guard and recommending George W. Bush for one of his coveted places, did it or not give him an advantage over somebody else who was applying for one of those spots?

Well, I would say that being the son of a congressman, and from Texas, and having a recommendation by my state official, certainly that would give a person-- a leg you.

When you made that call, was there any doubt in your mind that he probably would get the spot?

I don't really remember, but I would think that I was not surprised when I learned that he'd gotten in the Air National Guard. And I don't remember when I learned and at what time it-- and what stage of the process that I even learned-- that he may have been in the Guard before I ever was told that he'd gotten the position.

By the way, I asked you whether his father ever thanked you or not. You said you have no recollection of him ever doing that. Don't think he did. Did George W. Bush himself, even as an aside or perhaps with some humor, say to you, "We appreciate what you did?"

Well, he dropped me a note saying that he appreciated-- my memory being-- that is his father, that we'd never talked about it. He had no idea-- probably as a 22-year-old or 21-year-old graduate of Yale what was happening-- as far as his application was concerned. And he said that he was pleased that I was able to remember for a mutual friend of ours-- how the process had worked.

When was that? I mean the last five years, 10 years?


Oh, that was in 19-- it was-- after he'd gotten elected governor.

Well, in at least one and I think several of the authorized biographies of President Bush, it's been said that his deal was he-- and I quote from the book, "Just happened to get one of these spots." Did anybody just happen to get one of these spots in the Air National Guard?

I can't answer that with any real certainty, Dan. I would be somewhat surprised if a lot of people got in the Guard, particularly during the late '60s when Vietnam was at the really height of its intensity. It-- 'cause there were such long lists of people and so many people wanted to get into the Guard.

You haven't talked about this in a very long time. Why?

Well, I really don't believe in the politics of gotcha. I really don't appreciate what's happening today in the American politics. I really didn't think that what happened that long ago had a lot to do with a man's ambition to be governor or even later to be president.

I-- that's-- that's not my nature to get involved and wanna be political. And that's not why I'm here today. I really think that politics have gone the wrong direction rather than right direction in this country. And that's another thing that I'm not very proud of. I'm not real proud of our political system today.

I wanna follow up on that. But first, did anybody ever ask you, let me put it directly, to keep your mouth shut?

Oh, well, I've been encouraged to be quiet-- by-- starting with-- be quiet about a lot of things. My wife encourages me to be quiet a lot about a lot of things. But no, there's obviously a lot of people that don't want this issue discussed. And some people that do want it discussed.

But I'm not-- I-- again, I wanna repeat, I'm not here because of people's telling me that I should talk about it or that people are telling me that I shouldn't talk about it. I'm here because I feel that I needed to set the record straight.

And you thought you needed to set the record straight because?

Because I think it was wrong what I did. And it was wrong what happened. But it's been talked about and been speculated on by so many different people in several, different ways. And I really wanted the American people to know exactly what the facts were.

You said because it was wrong. What was wrong with it?

Well, I think the system was wrong. That a young 28-year-old or 29-year-old speaker of the House could pick up the phone and call a general, and say, "I want so-and-so in the National Guard." And some of the time it happened.

When I asked if anybody that-- ask you or indicated to you to keep your mouth shut, going back through the '70s, '80s, and '90s, anybody say to you, "Why don't you just forget that?" Or did anybody say to you, "You better not say anything about that?

Well, I don't really wanna talk about what people said or what they didn't say. You-- in politics-- in this partisan days, everybody wants to have an opinion and everybody -- you can get advice in the barbershop on whether you oughta talk about something or not. So I've had a lot of advice. But I'm following my own conscience today.

You said, I'm gonna come back to what you said was the current atmosphere in American politics. How would you describe that atmosphere?

I think the country is probably more divided today then it's been since the Civil War. I certainly was not alive, although some people probably think I was alive at the conclusion of the Civil War. So I wasn't there firsthand.

But I believe that this country is very severely divided. Families are divided. Friends are divided. Communities are divided. Churches, schools. It's not healthy.

I have a letter in my possession from my grandfather who wrote to my uncle who was on Iwo Jima. And in the first paragraph, he talks about the crops are in the ground. We've had ground rain. He's trying to write a kind of letter to cheer my uncle up. But he says in the next paragraph that, "I'm very concerned about the fact that the religious right in this country--" and he talked about a person that was on the radio that was talking about the religion and politics had to mix. And that we should get involved because God was telling us to do this. And God was telling us to do that.

And I'm like-- my grandfather in 1943 speculated that he was very concerned because he thought it was very important in this country to keep the separation between church and state. And I believe that very strongly also.

Did or did not-- what's become known as the "swift boat negative campaign ad attacks" on Sen. Kerry influence your decision to come forward in any way?

No, I've-- matter of fact the speech that I made-- about four or five months again when I talked about the seein'-- being-- visitin' the Vietnam memorial and talking about the fact that I've, that I was not proud of what I've done. That was five-- four or five months before the swift boats. So that's not what caused me to come forward.

This-- an excerpt from that talk is what's been on the Internet here--


--for a little while.


I wanna come back to some of the characters involved in (UNINTEL) profile. Gen. Rose. Did Gen. Rose have the make-or-break decision on who went in the Air National Guard?

Yes, he was commanding general.

That's the person you called to--


--put in a word for George W. Bush. What kind of person was Gen. Rose? Was he political? Apolitical? Was he connected? If so, how?

Well, I would describe him as a very able, military commander. And I'm not in the position to be very judgmental about a (UNINTEL) is good. But he seemed to be very serious about his duties and take it very seriously.

He was a very personal fella. He, the Rose family. He and his two sons and wife were all wonderful people. And Gen. Rose is deceased now. But I had very high regard for him.

Was he a Democrat or Republican?

Oh, he was a general.

Politically connected? Did he know the Bushs? Did he know the Johnsons? Connollys?

Well, he knew he had to know Gov. Connolly because Gov. Connolly was in office and he was there at St. General. I'm sure he knew-- President Johnson, being from Texas. I don't know whether he knew Congressman Bush or not. I've never discussed it with him.

Did you know the man Gen. Stout, who was in the direct line of command?

Yes. I met Gen. Stout.

Who was he and what was he like?

Well, he was an assistant. I guess he-- maybe he had the title of-- of assistant-- Air (UNINTEL) General. And he was-- the assistant to Gen. Rose. I didn't ever have a lot of contact with Gen. Stout. So I had no personal relationship with him.

I've been told that he was well connected in the Houston community and with the Bushs. Do you know that to be a fact?

No, I don't have any knowledge of that.

Let me come back to what would have been the consequences if you had not put in a word for George W. Bush?

Well, I don't think there would have been any consequences. Sid Adger might not have been happy with me. But I didn't -- I never thought-- never even thought about what the consequences would have been if I hadn't made a recommendation.

Did he have any power to punish you in any way other than to say, "Well, Ben Barnes is not a good fellow because he didn't do what I told him to do?"

Oh, I-- probably not. But, you know, as a young office holder and an ambitious young man, you never really thought about the consequences if you didn't do something. You were all looking for something else to do to make some more people happy. And that would have been what was going through my mind.

Some people are going to ask, "Well, was this something unique to Texas? This kind of political influence in getting these National Guard slots?" Do you have any recollection? Do you have any information or knowledge of whether this happened in other states? Or was it something that just happened in Texas?

Dan, I have no first hand knowledge. But I knew other speakers and other presidents of the Senate and I have, just from very vague memory-- some discussions that I had with them that they were working with their National Guards. Getting people in during the Vietnam conflict. So I'm sure that it was not something that's unique just to Texas.

Did you get a number of people, deferments of this sort, if we can call it that, or into the Guard? Or was this a rare case?

There were several, Dan. There were a number. Not a lot. But there were several young men that I got into the Guard -- I helped get into the Guard.

And is there a profile for all those people that you helped get in a Guard? A general profile?

Probably. Maybe with with one or two exceptions. But probably a general profile. They were somebody that was-- that was known, or known to me, or friends, or political supporters.

Well, here's the point. Was this or was this not something pretty special? Or were you kind of running your own, "Get out of the service" operation, as house speaker?

Oh, no. It was something that was very special. I mean, and again, it's something that I'm not very proud of. That's one of the reasons I'm here.

Uh-huh (AFFIRM). And I want to move on. So, it was -- these were special cases. It wasn't something you did by the dozens of hundreds?


You're a Democrat. Lifelong Democrat. You're a supporter of John Kerry. Fair to say that you're in Sen. Kerry's inner circle?

I don't know that I'm in his inner circle. I know I'm a supporter of Sen. Kerry. And I've supported him from the very first.

You know that there are people who seeing this are going to say, "Well, Ben Barnes came forward now because he wants to help Sen. Kerry's campaign." How do you answer that?

Well, I've been helping Sen. Kerry's campaign from the first day announced. And when I started being quoted on the Internet, and being quoted other places, some as I said, correctly, or-- and other times, incorrectly, I just thought it was time for me to once and for all, there was just too much speculation. There are too many people that are putting words in my mouth.

Too many things that were being said that were wrong. I decided that I wanted to set the record set. And I wanted to let the American people know exactly what happened.

I know that you must have said to yourself before you came here for this interview, "Boy, there's one thing. If I don't get across anything else, there's one thing more than any other I want to get across in this 60 Minutes interview." And if you were saying that to yourself, I want to give you an opportunity now to make sure that you've said what you came to say, how you intended to say it.

I came to say, what I've attempted to say exactly what the facts were in 1968, and what I did, and what I did not do. I did not come here to play havoc with Gov. Bush, with President Bush's presidential campaign. I did not come here to do anything personal against President Bush.

This is not-- I'm not here as a Kerry surrogate. I'm here as a person who served our state, and who made decisions. Some right decisions, and some wrong decisions. But I wanted to let everyone know exactly what the facts were back in-- in that year of some 40 years ago.

And review for me quickly now -- checklist of what you consider to be the most important facts about your involvement with getting George W. Bush into the National Guard.

Well, Sid Adger, and not the Bush family came to see me, to ask me to get-- President Bush-- George W. Bush into the National Guard, which I made the call to Gen. Rose. And he was accepted. Whether he was accepted solely because of my call, I do not know. As we have discussed, he was the son of a very prominent Congressman from Texas.

And I don't know what happened after he got in the Guard. I don't know what happened-- from really in his life, from 1960-- 8 until-- when he surfaced in Texas as the owner of the -- one of the owners of the Texas Rangers baseball team, and then came back, and ran for governor. And that's when our paths crossed again.

Did you get any reports on how he was doing in the National Guard?

No. I didn't get any reports.

Nobody said whether he's doing a good job, or bad job? You just never heard anything?

I never heard anything. And I don't think I ever heard a report on any -- from any of the young people that I got in the International Guard. But that was a long time ago.

Uh-huh (AFFIRM). You (UNINTEL PHRASE) in politics, to say the least. Were you surprised when accusations, and I underscore the word, "Accusations," that George W. Bush didn't complete his commitment, his six-year commitment to service? Were you surprised to hear those accusations?

No, I was surprised to hear.


Well, you know, I think that I didn't know him. I knew his family. And I have tremendous respect for his father -- for his father's military record, and for his service -- and the various incendiary positions he'd served our country. I have-- I had tremendous respect for the Bush family. And so -- I-- was surprised to hear that.

Well, George Bush I, if we can call him that, President George Bush I had an exemplary war record. Combat zone, hero of World War II. When the request came to get his son a privileged, a special place, were you surprised at that?

Dan, to be very honest, I don't think that I really was familiar with President Bush's -- I's military record when Sid Adger came to my office. It's not something I thought about. I respected President Bush as a congressman, President Bush I as a congressman. I don't think I-- or my memory does not -- does not even allow me to remember that-- what his military record was at that time.

And you may not even have known what his military--

And I-- no, not-- not a well-- well not have read his biographical on that issue.

Yeah. Is there anything that you wanted to say coming in here that you haven't said about this?

No. I think we've said-- everything that I've wanted to get said today.

What question haven't I asked you that I should have asked?

Well, you could have asked me about how much younger I was than you. But I don't think you were gonna ask me that.

Well, let me ask you this. It may not be a question you think that I should have asked you, but are you concerned about possible retribution? You're in business now. You make your living in business. Is there fearful of retribution in any way, shape or form?

Oh, I've got a lot of faith in this country. I didn't come here for political reasons. And I hope that I don't-- I hope I'll not be punished politically or economically for my presence here today. That's not what motivated me. And I hope that's not what motivates people that disagree with me about the presidential race.

Well, I want to keep you just a minute longer to come back to something you said earlier, which was about you're disappointed in the atmosphere in which the presidential campaign is being raced. You've been around politics a long time. You've seen the best of it.

You've seen the worst of it. You've seen the hard to tell part of it. But you've been through a lot of rough stuff, on both sides, Democrat and Republican. In your experience, has there ever been a time when it was as rough and nasty to run for public office as it is today?

I've never seen anything quite like it. It was not like this in 2000. It's a different atmosphere in 2004. 1968, when I helped the president-- Vice President Humphrey run for reelection, he was running-- with the Vietnam around his neck.

We'd had a convention in Chicago where people had taken to the streets, and tried to keep a convention from being held. And Mayor Daley had to use tear gas to dispel people, where people could even get back in the hotels, and get into the convention center. And I thought that was a moment that I had lived, that I would never see again. But while people are not necessarily in the streets, the personal animosities that exist, and how personal this campaign is, is something that I think is very unhealthy for America.

Ben Barnes, I thank you.

Thank you, Dan.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,869 • Replies: 11
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2004 08:43 pm
Basically all he is saying is that when he was young and ambitious he got a lot of boys who had rich or connected fathers or relatives into the National Gaurd to get out going into active military combat during vietnam and that he regrets doing it because it was basically unfair to all those who were not rich or had well connected families.

I don't understand what the bid deal is or how this helps or hurts kerry or particulary hurts Bush other than confirming that Bush got special favors to get into the National Gaurd.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 09:40 am
Revel, its all about more of Bush's lies. He lied and said he didn't get special treatment. He lied when he said fulfilled his guard duties. He lied when he said his honorable discharge was not the result of special favors.

Bush et al are world class liars.

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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 09:54 am
barnes is nothing more than a democratic shill. Notice you hadn't heard of him until the Clinton assassination squad was hired by John Heinz-Kerry?
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 10:40 am
McGentrix wrote:
barnes is nothing more than a democratic shill. Notice you hadn't heard of him until the Clinton assassination squad was hired by John Heinz-Kerry?

Why must you obfuscate the whole point of the Barnes interview? What Barnes was or is (a democratic shill?) has nothing to do with the fact that Bush lied. He and many others did get favored treatment.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 11:14 am
It has everything to do with it. Barnes is not motivated to tell the "truth" about Bush. He is motivated to get Kerry elected. His background as a serious heavy hitter and contributor to the democratic party makes his testimony questionable.

His testimony has the same reliablility as John O'neil's
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 11:18 am
Does someone's motivation necessarily change the truth?

I don't think so. I know I hope not.

(I've got no dog in this fight, in regard to whether it's true or not - just questioning whether having motivation to tell the truth makes something less true)
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 11:29 am
I don't know, charts and graphs showing O'Neill's connections to the republican party have been posted here numerous times demonstrating that O'Neill must be lying because he is nothing more than a republican trying to defame Kerry.

That shoe fits both feet.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2004 01:35 pm
McGentrix wrote:
I don't know, charts and graphs showing O'Neill's connections to the republican party have been posted here numerous times demonstrating that O'Neill must be lying because he is nothing more than a republican trying to defame Kerry.

That shoe fits both feet.

McG, the reason that O'Neil's assertions that Kerry didn't deserve the medals he got and other accusations were suspect was not just because he was sponsored by the republicans but because Kerry's official military records don't support O'Neil accusations.

On the other hand the official records to do support that Bush got in ahead of others for the National Guard.
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Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 03:20 pm
Ben's motives
I would like to tell everyone that Ben's motives were merely to clear up all the many rumors that have been on the internet, various magazines and in newspapers regarding what he did for the Bush family. He was not promoting Kerry's campaign by his 60 minute interview nor was he "bashing" the Bush family or his campaign. Please refrain from making wrongful statements on this site.

Carey Barnes
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 03:41 pm
Re: Revel
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Revel, its all about more of Bush's lies. He lied and said he didn't get special treatment. He lied when he said fulfilled his guard duties. He lied when he said his honorable discharge was not the result of special favors.

Bush et al are world class liars.


Well at last there is evidence that BBB's frequent cut and paste articles are not simply an effort to keep us appraised of current events. There is a partisan method to the mundane madness.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2004 03:48 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Does someone's motivation necessarily change the truth?

I don't think so. I know I hope not.

(I've got no dog in this fight, in regard to whether it's true or not - just questioning whether having motivation to tell the truth makes something less true)

No it doesn't, but if one is going to base one's assessment of the truth upon the statement of a particular individual, then that person's motivation is hugely relevant.

It's entirely possible that a highly partisan Bush-Hater can speak the truth about Bush, but unless you can independently verify the truth of which he speaks, you should take his motivation into account when judging the credibility of the statement.

If I were to announce: "I hate ehBeth!" and then follow with an unflatterting revelation about ehBeth, I could be telling the truth, but few would unquestioningly accept what I posted as the truth.
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