Cripes, you are obnoxious.
If you have a problem with the moderators, whom you sardonically call The Masters, please address it to them. I presume you know how, click on Contact us at the bottom of any page.
My guess is that they have dismissed your pleas. Live with it.
Also, the man's username is Sturgis. Try out not shortening people's usernames.
That is done once in a while with quite loved posters, but not by anyone but you as a way to cut typing time or some other cuteness about being so old. When you do that, you annoy many of us.
A lot of us are in range of your age that you keep foisting as a reason for forgiveness. We get it, it would be a good reason if it was appropriate. I happen to think you have always been this way, nothing to do with alzheimers.