Declawing and Softpaws

Thanks for the link phoenix, because I need softpaws for my girl cat who I already had spayed but she still insists that she needs to eliminate the boy cat off the face of the earth. I trim their claws (put on a muzzle for the troublesome ones). The boy does not like to have his claws clipped so my husband does it. He totally respects his "Daddy". I trim the girl's claws without a problem. There is a special claw clipper for cats and you have to make sure that you do not clip too deep or they will bleed. Stay away from the pink part of the nail when clipping.
I really am sorry that you felt that you needed to declaw your cats. My boy ripped up the sofa and we have to throw it out but I won't declaw him for something that is a piece of property and can be replaced. The sofa does not have any feelings. It's just a piece of furniture. My cats are people to me and they deserve more consideration.
I have to keep the girl locked up in our large bathroom because of her viciously attacking the boy when I let her out. So thanks again for the Softpaws link.