While I am always in need of learning, I suggest that before you tell me to study you may want to brush up yourself. Let me expound as to why.
You wrote:
Quote:Where did you read in my posts about Karma? I said nothing about Karma.
I never said you were a follower of karmic law. I only asked a question based on your claim that you believe in reincarnation. The story of the boy was from India which is based heavily upon the karmic law, hence my question.
You wrote:
Quote:I don't deny Jesus is God, it's just that He's not,
This is a contradiction. First you claim that you don't deny Jesus is God then you make an absolute claim He is not. What gives there?
You wrote:
Quote:He himself said to the person who called Him good: "I am not good, only God is good."
The passage reads - Mark 10:18
18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.
Jesus is not denying He is God in this passage but rather asking the rich ruler to really think about what he has said.
Jesus calls Himself God in John 8:58
58 Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am."
Thomas, a devout Jew who would not call anyone God says this of Jesus in John 20:28
28 Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"
Now back to the rich young ruler and him calling Jesus "good". Jesus is either "good", thus He is then also God for God alone is truly good, or Jesus is a "bad man" for no man can be "good" in Gods eyes.
You wrote:
Quote:Oh, yes, everything is subjective, we can not do, learn, study, or anything else without our beliefs, they are with us always, and they put our spin, our understanding on everything.
If everything is "subjective" then why do you feel the need to explain yourself? Should I listen to and adhere to your "subjective" beliefs? Your statement is illogical.
Thank you,