Bush feeds the American people baloney.

Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 02:53 pm
McT said
Yeah I'm not anti-semitic but it makes ya fink dunnit. Shirley Porter, Robert Maxwell, Conrad Black.

What does it make you fink? What do you fink when all the priests are sodomizing all the alter boys? Or when people of a different faith are caught with their hand in the till or you know what I am driving at I am sure. Frankly I take exception the inference.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 03:02 pm

Last night, accepting the Republican nomination, President Bush said a "drag on our economy is the current tax code, which is a complicated mess, filled with special interest loopholes."[1] Bush noted that the American people were saddled with "6 billion hours of paperwork and headache every year," and said that he was the candidate to create "a simpler, fairer" system.[2] But during the last four years, Bush has pushed through changes to the tax code far more complicated and burdensome for taxpayers.

According to official Internal Revenue Service estimates from 2000 to 2003, "the time required for the set of forms associated with the 1040 has increased by 3 hours and 8 minutes."[3] The average taxpayer spent 1 hour and 20 minutes longer filing his or her taxes in 2002 than in 2003[4]

Worse, while the tax cuts themselves have gone overwhelmingly to the wealthiest Americans, "the increased time spent filling out forms has been more democratically distributed."[5] Many taxpayers not getting much of a reduction at all have to fill out the same forms that save others millions.

1. "Text: President Bush's Acceptance Speech to the Republican National Convention ," The Washington Post, 9/02/04, http://daily.misleader.org/ctt.asp?u=3382691&l=53415.
2. Ibid, http://daily.misleader.org/ctt.asp?u=3382691&l=53415.
3. "Economic Snapshot," Economic Policy Institute, 9/2/04.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 03:06 pm
Lots a folks would be happy to have some baloney, or at least more than one slice of it to a sandwich,
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 03:20 pm
au1929 wrote:
To me what went on in New York reminded one of a KKK or Aryan Nation rally. Rather than a convention to "nominate" a candidate for the presidency of the US.The hate was dripping from their fangs.

also reminded me heavily of the the rally scene from "the wall".

lots of dogmatic rhetoric, veiled references and even had "look right there. there's a hippie! take 'em outta here!" "and how about him? he looks like he might be a queer!".

the animated flags kinda looked like the big torches.

see??? the bushies do watch other movies besides "wag the dog".
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 04:02 pm
Bush drumbeat: war on terror

Polls show Bush beating Kerry by 20 points on leadership in fighting terrorism, but economy remains voters' No. 1 concern.

By Liz Marlantes and Linda Feldmann | Staff writers of The Christian Science Monitor

NEW YORK – In the wake of a Republican convention that portrayed President Bush as a steely, visionary wartime leader - and pounded Sen. John Kerry as dangerously weak and indecisive - it's clear the Bush campaign is betting that this election will come down to one issue: Which candidate will be tougher in the war on terror? The Republicans' overriding message, repeated throughout the week, was that since 9/11 America has entered a dangerous new era - a period like the cold war that calls for aggressive leadership and firm resolve. Speakers repeatedly made the case that the personal characteristics Mr. Bush embodies, as well as the values and priorities of his party as a whole, are inherently more suited to guiding the nation through perilous times. Handing power over to Senator Kerry and the Democrats, they implied, could jeopardize the nation's security.
Certainly, the strategy plays to Bush's strengths: Polls show the war on terror remains his strongest asset, with the president beating Kerry by as much as 20 points on that count. But by offering such a single-minded focus, the Bush campaign is also effectively counting on the fact that terrorism will trump all other issues - such as the economy - for voters.

"If the message continues as who can lead us through this war on terrorism better, then the president trumps [Kerry]," says independent pollster John Zogby. But "The No. 1 issue among voters is still the economy."

In the end, whichever issue dominates on Nov. 2 will likely determine the outcome of the election.

How the Kerry campaign responds

While Democrats agree that the war on terror will be a critical component - and their convention was in some ways nearly as muscular as the Republicans' - they also say the GOP convention was striking for its "complete absence" of an economic focus.

Kerry advisers argue that voters regard national security as more of a "threshold test." Voters want to see that the candidate would be a strong commander in chief, but then they want to know what else that candidate would accomplish on the economy, on healthcare, and other domestic issues.

They also argue that the heavy emphasis on the security theme is further indication that the Bush campaign is pursuing a "base strategy" - trying to win reelection by engineering a massive turnout of Republicans, rather than trying to win over undecided voters. Polls have shown that undecided voters are particularly pessimistic about the economy, and many analysts assume they will favor Kerry in the end.

Georgia Sen. Zell Miller's fiery attack on Kerry's national security credentials may have been "too hot" for undecided voters, who dislike negative campaigning, says Mr. Zogby. But "for Republicans, and maybe even those Republicans who are weak in spirit, he gave them some reasons [to vote for Bush]."

Beneath Bush's stance on the war

Perhaps the most important thrust on that front was the way in which the Bush campaign cast the war in Iraq as a critical element of the overall war on terrorism. Polls have shown that Iraq has become a growing drag on Bush's ratings, with even Republicans beginning to question whether the war was worth the cost.

At the convention, Republicans attempted to shore up support for the war, arguing that the primary lesson of 9/11 is that America must not allow any threat to fester - but must aggressively go after anyone who presents a potential menace.

"In Iraq we dealt with a gathering threat," said Vice President Dick Cheney.

Some even framed attitudes toward the war in the context of patriotism - with Senator Miller accusing Democrats of tagging US troops as "occupiers" rather than "liberators." While those arguments may not win too many converts among voters who are strongly antiwar, say analysts, they may succeed in shoring up support among those Republicans who had grown unhappy over the issue.

An emphasis on experience and allies

For his part, Kerry tried this week to seize the offensive on Iraq, with a speech attacking the Bush administration for rushing to war without a plan to win the peace.

While Kerry may not be able to "out-tough" Bush on Iraq or the war on terrorism, he is arguing that he would pursue better policies that would ultimately keep America safer.

"The strategy for the Bush campaign is to [frame the race around] who would be the safer, more effective commander in chief during wartime," says independent pollster Del Ali. Kerry's argument, he continues, is more along the lines of: "We're heading in the wrong direction, I have the experience, I have a better chance of rebuilding our alliances, and that way we can fight terrorism."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 06:42 pm
au1929 wrote:
McT said
Yeah I'm not anti-semitic but it makes ya fink dunnit. Shirley Porter, Robert Maxwell, Conrad Black.

What does it make you fink? What do you fink when all the priests are sodomizing all the alter boys? Or when people of a different faith are caught with their hand in the till or you know what I am driving at I am sure. Frankly I take exception the inference.


This one can get a little sparky for you, I appreciate. But disagreement with Israeli government policy (particularly, Likkud policy) isn't anti-semitism (if it were, a lot of Israelis would be anti-semites).

As to the political leaning of Black or Asper papers, you can take it from me (as I read at least one a day, often more) or you can do some research on the web quite easily.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Sep, 2004 08:42 pm
Welcome to the Fifth Column Dressing Room the day after eating it. The morose gang's all here...whining,whimpering, quoting book chapter and verse to each other. Share the crying towels babies.Well, at least you're earning your paychec.....But then?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2004 01:17 am
au1929 wrote:
McT said
Yeah I'm not anti-semitic but it makes ya fink dunnit. Shirley Porter, Robert Maxwell, Conrad Black.

What does it make you fink? What do you fink when all the priests are sodomizing all the alter boys? Or when people of a different faith are caught with their hand in the till or you know what I am driving at I am sure. Frankly I take exception the inference.

I'm not inferring anything here, Au, so don't go off at half-cock. I am remarking on three people for whom the adjective chutzpah could have been invented, who indulged in larceny of the most shameless kind, on the largest scale imaginable.
I am sure that criminals of other creeds would try to do the same, if only they were intelligent enough.
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