There I was about to look into my refrigerator's top freezer when I spied the new addition I added to the odd display of stuff on the door - one of the Irvine Museum's nice big postcards.
I bring this up because I've long liked that museum (I was both at its beginning place and the more recent one, bringing friends or family from time to time.)
It's in Irvine, in Orange County, California. Everyone I've brought there liked it, sans prompting from me (people like or don't like what they see, fine with me). They are dedicated to the preservation and display of California art of the Impressionist Period (1890-1930).
I've spent some money there at their excellent small bookstore, some favorite books on the period on my shelves. For years now, they have repaid me in a way, since I added my name to some list to receive their postcards. They sent them to me when I was living in northern California, and now, for ten years, when I live in Albuquerque. Timing? I dunno, a few times a year, nothing bothersome.
Today's refrigerator display is a 6 x 8 postcard showing a work by John Crosby,
On The Edge.
I see he is a contemporary artist... but I remember that displayed works were from the earlier days. Don't know their policy on that now. Probably a separate room for any contemporary work/show.
If anyone here is interested in their bookstore list, I'm sure they'd email it, and I assume be glad to sell a book or two. Me, I wanted the whole bookstore.