BoGoWo - because my list had redundancy in it!
Place an infinite inside a finite and you'll get squashed! I thought I'd covered it alreay in points 4. 6. and 8. so it was getting heavily repititive.
Remember these are my thoughts - not fact or religious fevour talking - just my musings!
thethinkfactory - In the Universe in a Nutshell, page 107 Hawking still holds God bound by the laws governing the reality of our universe, and alludes to John Bell's famous proof of hidden variable theory some 20 years ago. Note Bell is in my book NOT an exhaustive proof!
God can only know these things that invalidate uncertainity if 1) there is a deeper law of science already structured into our reality that we are yet to discover and exploit, so if we too knew this law and had the appropriate resources at hand we could do the same or 2) information leaks from our dimension into other/God's dimensions with greater information available to it then to us in this reality (but this is a form of hidden varaible thinking) or 3) there is a mystic or holy unknown acting here that I am totally uncapable of fathoming or thinking about even.
Call mine a thought experiment, rather than a statement
"God in our universe must fit into this small bottle I call logic!" rant. I am sayng for my models of reality to be consistent these rules seem to apply and they infer this about God. That's as far as I sanely go and its alot further into process than the church steps, for I am curtailing God's knowledge in my thought experiment, not knowing what I am constraining so trivially.
So I have an infinite God in Godspace, capable of actions and observations in our reality and ponder the mechanisms used and presume they deploy finite resources and means to avoid swamping our reality.
If God alone swims through multiple membranes and interacts with them he is a new force capable of linking membranes meaning our science must account for membrane <-> membrane interactions when we consider quantum physics, string theory and relavitity. This is entirely possible and a HUGE complicating factor. M-theory brings us 10 dimensional realities and now God means a factor causing unknown interactions amongst them - how richer and more colourful and complex our reality just became!