That is a variation on the anthropic principle .
The factors required to support intelligent life seem to require incredible fine tuning and luck. The odds have been calculated as 1 : 10 ^ 42,000 against.
To balance out then why are we here you need an infinity of some sort (or just a mind boggling big number to balance out random chance).
The candidates (discussed in several of my other threads) are:
Infinite Universe - unending spacetime, matter and energy - (unlikely by all observations and sciences)
2. A Big bang / Big crunch universe model implying
infinite time - (more unlikely, no known physics or observations to reverse inflation or acceleration, non zero point energy and the causual disconnection of the Universe combine to swamp any chance of eventual gravitational collapse)
Infinite Universes (the M-theory variant) each occupying their own brane of existence - coming in two flavours - static or dynamic (interacting over infinite time). So two branes could have combined to form our new one - via the big bang event. Of course this doesn't answer what are branes and where did they come from!
Infinite luck
Infinite God - directing and nudging the above to create today's situation.
I'd rule out 1 and 2 and say a combination of 3 (dynamic) plus some 4 and an exploratory 5 thrown in are my intuitions as to why we are here today.