Wed 1 Sep, 2004 02:34 pm
What alternatives do we have in the 2004 US election to Bush and Kerry?
I know there's Nader, but he isn't running on the Green Party ticket this year, is he?
Who else is going to be out there?
The Libertarians should have someone on the ticket -- don't know who though.
See if you can find Ebrown... he's probably an expert by now because he said none of the top 3 were getting his vote a while back.
You called?
My vote belongs to Nader for now. The question is whether the preverse sideshow in NYC pushes me over the edge to an ABB vote.
Arnold's gushing about Nixon was so sweet... That is a step in the right direction.
That was fast! Arnold was making some sense when he referenced Nixon. That wasn't about Nixon or W. I don't wish to help transform you back to ABB land though, so I'm leaving it alone.
FreeDuck wrote:The Libertarians should have someone on the ticket -- don't know who though.
No one worth considering. Michael Badnarik managed to get on the ballot in most states but I'd be surprised if he pulls more than .5% of the total popular vote.
The party lists him as a "Constitutional scholar" but I've yet to find anything that indicates he's ever taken so much as one law class. The LP Bio on him says his knowledge came from "self-study" and one press release claimed he had "taught law" for 3 years but no one seems to be able to figure out where. Maybe in his living room?
Showtime's got a candidate program, don't they? The American Candidate?