parados wrote:When you are at war you do get to watch where they position their planes using all kinds of surveillance including satellites.
Our satellites would be destroyed in the opening hours of a war with a major power.
Should I count you as a Liberal vote in favor of limiting the Air Force to the extent that they can defend US soil
or US forces abroad, but not both?
parados wrote:Considering we have over 3 times the fighters of the next largest force,
Given current budget limitations, only the F-15c is able to shore up gaps in our F-22 coverage. And given current budget limitations, we will not have even the F-15c for much longer.
parados wrote:where do you think those magical invisible enemy planes are going to come from?
From the industrial capacity of the other country.
parados wrote:And how could we possible forget all our surface to air missiles that can be used against attacking planes?
I didn't forget. I've already noted that the Army has tried desperately to modernize their SAMs, only to have Liberals cut the program as "unnecessary" due to our imaginary air superiority.
parados wrote:Too bad, you are blind to your own idiocy as well as the capabilities of our military.
Says the person who doesn't seem to be pointing out any errors in anything I've said in this thread.