So Kerry is easy to demonize? Well, I guess that depends upon your agenda. Kerry's not perfect (who is?) but he is dramatically different from W on issues and approaches. America has a real choice this time around.
Is anyone else as tired of hearing the "Bush is strong" stuff as I am ?
I find it incredibly frustrating , even exasperating, at the continued attempts by many Republicans to portray Bush as "strong", as if repeating that alleged character trait ad nauseam might make it so. Bush's actions during his entire lifetime reveal that, in fact, he is just the opposite. (I should say that I'm referring to strength, not stubbornness or intransigence. I'll give him both of those with no argument.)
Consider Iraq: Bush unquestionably took the easy path re Iraq. It's easy to march in guns-a-blazin', with no real justification and no real plan. The more difficult path (given no legitimate imminent threat) would have been to exercise restraint, gather accurate information, put together a viable, respect-based, multinational coalition, and then make the tough decision as to whether or not to put our young people in harm's way.
And, more to the point the Republicans seem to want to drive home, Bush's rash, impudent, ill-planned pre-emptive invasion has left us LESS SAFE from the terrorist threat. Iraq is now an unstable haven for newly arrived terrorist groups.
The terrorists in Afghanistan (e.g. Osama), whom Bush ignored to pursue his revenge/oil driven agenda in Iraq, have been allowed to regroup and reorganize, especially with the help of our "allies", the Pakistanis, along the border.
Bush's condescending dismissal of our long-standing allies in Europe and elsewhere has left us dangerously alone in this war against terrorism, where we clearly need to work overtly and covertly with as many foreign nations as possible.
Bush's arrogant unilateral invasion of a sovereign Muslim state has fueled the ranks of terrorists all over the world, especially in places like the Philippines and Pakistan where recruitments to new cells are running high.
How can anyone view Bush's actions and the resulting disastrous consequences as a reflection of any kind of strength ?
Consider Vietnam: Being from wealthy privileged backgrounds, both Bush and Kerry could have easily avoided active duty in Vietnam. Kerry volunteered for such duty. Bush hid out in Texas. (Cheney had "other priorities" in his life at that time.) Strength ? I know there were many people who refused to serve in Vietnam for reasons of conscience, but Bush was not one of them. He never stated any objection to that war. No, he hid out in Texas because he was/is a coward. Strength ? And now, he allows Swift Boat scumbags to attempt to discredit Kerry's record in Vietnam, just as he allowed them to attempt to discredit McCain's record (during the last primary), and just as they attempted (successfully) to unseat Sen Max Cleland by discrediting his service, which, by the way, cost him an arm and two legs.What these slimy , lying, self-serving Republicans are doing is utterly despicable.
Consider the aftermath of Vietnam: When Kerry returned from Vietnam, based upon what had seen and learned there, he had the courage to stand up and speak out against what we have all, fifty years later, come to realize was an unjust war. Where was Bush ? Still hiding out in Texas. Strength ?
Consider Public Service records: Kerry went to Law School and became a public prosecutor, often fighting "non" self-serving battles against corporate interests. Where was Bush ? Daddy bought him a baseball team to run. Strength ? Kerry's public service record in the Senate over the past twenty years speaks for itself, as does Bush's record as governor of Texas. (I cannot possible get in to all the details, so I refer you to Molly Ivans (a journalist who lived through the Bush Texas years) - her audio book "Bushwhacked" says it all. If Americans read / listened to this book, the election would be over.) For a description of Kerry's public service record in the Senate, I refer you to a website created by a non-partisan young man who supports candidates from both parties:
If you spend five minutes at this site, you will learn more about Kerry than you will in five months from TV.
excerpt: "As the junior senator of Massachusetts, John Kerry has garnered an extensive portfolio of purposeful causes. Just scratching the surface of his agenda, Kerry brings much-needed attention to issues such as small businesses, housing, veterans' affairs, environmental protection, education, child abuse, health care, and foreign relations."
So, then, the next time you hear the Republicans or anyone desperately repeating the "Bush is strong" mantra, you may perhaps recognize it for what it is: wishful thinking by a group of nasty, self-serving ,dangerous ideologues who don't give a rat's a$$ about the truth.