Tue 31 May, 2016 12:16 pm
Hello, I am taking a class on Teaching Multicultural Education as part of my MA degree, and I need to interview a member of a cultural group VERY different from my own who moved to the U.S. from their home country. I am white and have been living in the U.S. my whole life. More specifically, I am mostly of Italian and German ancestry. I will even pay $15 via Paypal for your time. Here are the interview questions:
First, tell me a little about yourself. Include the following information: gender, age, religious affiliation, what you do for a living, level of education, greatest accomplishments, what you hope to accomplish, and any other information you want to share.
To what ethnic or minority group (such as Hispanic or African American) would you describe yourself as belonging? Why do you identify yourself as being part of this group?
When did you or your family first arrive in the United States? If you are a recent arrival to this country, how would you describe your first impressions of the dominant U.S. culture?
Describe your early school experiences. Were they positive? Did you encounter language conflict?
Have you ever been the victim of racism while living in America? If so, can you describe the situation in terms of who was involved and the nature of the incident(s)?
What are your top 3 values in life? Are these things people value in America?
Are there any common American values that conflict with yours?
What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture?
What, in your opinion, are the best and worst things about living in the USA?
How would you rate America on scale of 1-10. Why did you rate the way you did? Give as much detail as possible.
Would other members of your ethnic or minority group give America the same rating? For the same reasons?
If you could send one message to all people of the U.S., what would it be?
Is there anything you would like others to know that we have not included here about you or your culture?
Hi, when do you need the interview?
This was posted 2 years ago. It's probably a bit late by now.