Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 12:09 am
August 26, 2004

NEW YORK -- President Bush is coming to town. You better watch out, you better not shout -- unless you're a certified delegate inside Madison Square Garden. With protestors somewhere out of sight, the Republican National Convention will be a celebration of the ideology, values and interests served by this second Bush presidency.

Whether you agree or disagree with the words pouring from the podium over Americans who see reflections of themselves in George W. Bush, the real issue of this election will not be mentioned. The core issue is this: Our President is incompetent. He is not a good President.

Let me count the ways:

1. He has divided the country; we are all part of a vicious little hissing match. We were united and humbled on September 12, 2001. We are divided and humliated now, telling lies about each other.

2. He has divided the world. "We are all Americans now" headlined Le Monde on that September 12. Now there are days when it seems as if they are all anti-Americans.

3. He is leaving no child or grandchild without debt. He has taken the government from surplus into deficit in the name of national security and increased private investment. We can pay the debt in two ways: with more government revenues (taxation) or by borrowing -- against the sweat and income of new generations. The President has chosen to borrow.

4. He campaigns as a champion of smaller government, but is greatly increasing the size and role of government. Ideological conservatism, it turns out, costs just as much or more than ideological liberalism. Conservative and liberal politicians are both for increasing the reach and power of government. The difference between them is which parts and functions of the state are to be empowered and financed. The choice is between military measures and order, or more redistribution of income. Money is power.

5. He is diminishing the military of which he is so proud now as commander-in-chief. The invasion and occupation of Iraq have obviously not worked out the way he imagined -- naked torture was not the goal. But the far greater problem for the future is that our proud commander has revealed the hollowness behind unilateral superpower. From the top down, we have not been able to win Iraq much less the world. And going into Iraq has compromised and crippled the war on terror he declared himself.

6. He is diminishing scientific progress, the great engine of the 20th Century. Only the truly ignorant can believe that the proper role of government is to hinder medical research and environmental study in the name of God.

7. He is diminishing the Constitution of the United States. Cheesy tricks like amending the great text of freedom defined to attack homosexuality can be dismissed as wedge politics. But it is worse to preach against an activist judiciary while appointing more activist judges who happen to hold different beliefs, particularly the idea that civil liberties are the enemies of patriotism, security and freedom itself.

8. He has surrounded himself with other incompetents. The Secretary of State is presiding over the rape of diplomacy and its alliances, the Secretary of Defense has sent our young men and women into situations they were never meant or trained to handle, and now they are being ordered into battle by an appointed minister in far land. The National Security Adviser does not seem to know that her job description includes coordinating defense and diplomacy. And then there was our $340,000 a month local hire, Ahmed Chalabi, sitting in the gallery of our House.

9. He has been unable or unwilling to deal with declining employment and the rising medical costs of becoming an older nation.

10. He is, as if by design, destroying the credibility of the United States as a force for peace in the world -- an honest broker -- particularly in the Middle East.

The list is longer, miscalculation after miscalculation. President Bush has not been able to function effectively at this pay grade. He may mean well, but this has been a difficult time and he is in over his head. We and our kids will pay the price for his blundering, blunderbuss adventure in Washington. He has been tested in a difficult time -- and, unhappily for all of us and the world, he has not been up to the job.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 05:18 am
Send him back to Texas.
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Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 05:28 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Send him back to Texas.

should be on November 2nd.
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Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:18 am
Here's a good outline of the Failed Bush Presidency for you BBB: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0826-07.htm

A Failed Presidency

As Republicans gather in New York City, the Bush campaign will undergo a drastic makeover, camouflaging gutter tactics with a veneer of moderation calculated to help the President win another four-year term. But the hard truth of this campaign is that George W. Bush, while attempting to impose an extremist right-wing agenda on this country and the world, has compiled a record of staggering failure. ...

The debacle in Iraq has already claimed close to 1,000 American and 12,000 Iraqi lives. Far from making America safer or the Middle East more democratic, it has turned out to be what this magazine warned it would be: a reckless abuse of power that has damaged US security,...

The high cost of the war is evident not just in the number of deaths but also in burgeoning federal budget deficits (the war has cost more than $125 billion) and in the record gasoline prices Americans now pay. ...

By withdrawing the United States from international treaties and conventions, mishandling crises in the Middle East and North Korea and diverting resources from the pursuit of Al Qaeda, Bush has left America more isolated and less secure. And the detention camps made infamous by the crimes of Abu Ghraib have stripped America of the pride we once had in our country and the role it played, however imperfectly, as a champion of human rights, economic opportunity and the rule of law. ..

He has amassed the worst jobs record of any President since the Great Depression, the worst budget deficits ever and the most precipitous decline in America's fiscal position--from $5 trillion in projected surplus to $4 trillion in projected deficit. ..

Bush's Administration responds to a corporate crime wave with calls for less regulation, embraces the flight of jobs abroad as good for the economy and exacerbates, with top-end tax cuts, the greatest inequality since the Gilded Age...

Bush has nominated to the federal bench ideologues with a history of antiunion and antichoice decisions. He signed into law the blatantly unconstitutional "partial birth" abortion ban and then watched as his Attorney General sought access to women's private medical records to defend the ban in court...

he endorsed the gay-baiting federal marriage amendment, framing it as a response to the activism of liberal judges rather than what it was: an attempt to deny civil rights to millions of Americans and to enshrine that discrimination in the Constitution. ..

Bush years have seen a steady increase in the number of Americans without healthcare while drug company profits have soared....

Bush's prescription drug bill prohibits Medicare from negotiating a better price for seniors and bars importing cheaper drugs--with the result that older Americans will end up paying more for prescription drugs...

Bush's vaunted No Child Left Behind education law actually leaves most children behind. Not only has the law earned the ire of educators; Bush's failure to provide promised funding for his "reforms" has prompted rebuke even from Republican state legislatures from Utah to Virginia...

Bush also broke his promise to increase the amount of money eligible students could receive in college scholarship grants, even as soaring tuition puts college out of reach for ever more families...

His postelection budget calls for yet more cuts to education funding...

The Bush Administration has also failed to protect the environment, giving us new laws written by polluters, oil lobbyists and Enron executives. And it has politicized and distorted basic scientific and medical research.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:31 am
An "incompetent" who has been personally financial successful with his business investements and has acheived the pinnacles of success in his political career, twice being elected Governor of Texas and once selected to be the President of these United States.

We should all be so "incompetent".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:43 am
Larry434, welcome to A2K; glad to have you here.

Sorry to dispute your claim of Bush's successes in life. To the contrary, George W. Bush has been a serial failure all of his life. He was a poor but charming student. He couldn't even exceed in the Texas National Guard that his daddy got him in to with help from the former Lt. Governor of Texas for a big fee. He failed in all of his business ventures except for the sports team insider trading investment profits that he stuck the tax payers with. He was elected as Texas governor with the help of his father and his wealthy friends. Bush held a ceremonial governer of Texas position; the real power position in Texas was held by the Lt. Governor, not Bush. He has failed miserably as US President.

The only success he has accomplished is using his father and his father's friends to line his pockets and elevate him politically and, after twenty years of being a drunk and drug abuser, he managed to get himself clean. I congratulate him for becoming a sober, if dry drunk.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:54 am
Thanks for the welcome, boogie.

Your reply is what I call a "yes but"...changes none of the facts I cited but attempts to portray them as meaningless.

Like I said, we should all have such "meaningless" factual accomplishments.

And what successful person can say they did it all by themselves, with absolutely no help from family and friends?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:58 am
Is it Bush that's incompotent, or just the Dick that hovers around the hive?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 11:59 am
So much humour potential, so little time.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 12:23 pm
Cav, I know, I know. Sad isn't it?

BBB Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Drunk Drunk Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 01:36 pm
BBB, it is sad indeed. May I direct you to an independent write-in potential: http://www.able2know.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32192 Laughing Must be taken in humour, of course.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 01:50 pm
Cav, there is only one item I object to in your platform:

"Education - Any high school student who cannot pass a basic literacy test will be shot."

I say what about the enabler teacher? Shouldn't the teacher be shot, too?

BBB Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 01:54 pm
Oh, absolutely. Laughing They shoot horses, don't they?
0 Replies

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