Interesting, how people act when they've had a few drinks. Some people get loud and obnoxious, some people want to start a fight, some just fall asleep.
I'm one of those people who loves everybody. When I have had a few drinks, I just want to hug people and tell them I love them, even if I don't know them. I want people to smile. I want people to laugh. I just love EVERYTHING!
I don't know why. I'm sure there is some deep psychological chasm in my subconscious that needs to be filled or something. But whatever. I enjoy it. I have a good time. And most of the time, the people around me enjoy it too.
What are you like when you drink? Are you a lover? A fighter? Does your personality completely change? Do you end up waking up next to strangers the next morning?
I love you,
P.S. I've had a few drinks tonight.