ok, i promise this is the last...
sister_nu_shooz_formerly_cupid Quick stats
Added on Tue, Jul 24, 2001 3:47 AM
Little K,
Pay close attention to the tilt your hand. This would be the
hand you choose to put under the arm.. I'm right handed so I go
in with the right hand pointed at a ninety degree angle, with
thumb up. You have to be sure to get the area between your thumb
and index finger under your arm. The thumb should be the only
part of your hand that is visible when looking in the mirror.
Make sure when you're in the process of this, make sure you bring
your elbow in towards you. This provides the best and most
realistic farting sounds. Kept up the practice. You'll get it.
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little_k Quick stats
Added on Tue, Jul 24, 2001 3:51 AM
moondoggy, you better post in my new fart thread.
Bad grammar intentional, I feel a bit...dizzy from the breeze....
Ok - this one is just for hardened Digressors, with too much time on their hands right now:
The damned digressions!
1. The Digression Thread
2. Digressing twice
3. Trigression
4. The Digression Strikes back
5. The Meaning of Existence, or why am I here?
6. Mostly Harmless
7. Bringing Home the Snark
8. Pattering Towards Canterbury
9. A Midsummer Night's dream
10. Please save me from Myself!
11. Name the Digression, or Much Ado About Nothing.
12. Slightly Depressed Digression
13. The Debacle
14. A Sunny Pleasure Dome With Caves of Ice
15. Round Midnight
16. A Trim Digression
17. The Miner's bath
18. Gladly, My Cross Eyed bear
19. Wondering About Wit, Wisdom and Whimsy
20. I feel wicked and I want to play
21. Puffs, Patches, Boxes, Bibles, Billet-doux
22. Run mad as Often as You choose, but do not faint
23. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite etc
24. A Baaaad Digression
26. The Enchanted Forest
27. A Sleepy Digression
28. The Second Abuzziversary
29. A Digression About Nothing
30. Which Takes place In a Bus Shelter
31. In Which Wilso has his 2nd Abuzziversary!
32. Got them old self-assembly blues
33. In Which the Digression Crosses the Rubicon
34. The Thanksgiving Debacle
35. A Christmas Digression
36. Fiddling While Rome Burns
37. Down the rabbit Hole
38. The Opera
39. The Encore
40. The Midlife Crisis
41. The Email Update digression
42. The D day Digression
I haven't found 25 - I think it was put on an old thread, cos Abuzz wouldn't accept newies at the time.
May I suggest "Gladly My Cross Eyed Bear" for vintage Aa lovers - and a fabulous website!!!
Got it!
No. 25 ..... 2002.08.05
What's with the Ducks?
N.B. During a time of being unable to post new interactions
because of problems in using the Abuzz software, dlowan created
the thread just above by grafting it onto an old, existing
"Sphynx or Rex Cats" 2001.07.09
Damn you and your long-eared, fluffy-pawed influence...you have ruined me. But I digress.
now, must sleeep...
till next time xoxo
Lol Moony!!!!
Wish I could find the Bangalo Bungalow ballad.....
What a thread name - "Morons. How do you if you are one?"
Er, has anyone cut and pasted the digression threads yet?
I'm way behind...
I just went to abuzz this morning.
It's the evening of the apocalypse. People with torches running naked through the streets, and Zingers from attic windows picking them off with machine guns. Thunder and lightning, frogs falling from the sky, serious personality meltdowns, ummmm, remember weird science? When Gary and Wyatt try to make another "babe," and a nuclear missile rises through the house? That's what it's like on abuzz right now.
Rick d'Israeli wrote:I'm glad you say that Montana

Imagine you would say "I'm out, I don't like it here" :wink:
Not a chance ;-)
I just checked and I'm #169. I was Gezzy then, but it still counts :-)
My memory of Abuzz is I was never there.
Second sentence!
Bernie got me the screenplay url, yay:
were you ever a dead-thread head?
losing little bits of brilliance like that is going to hurt.
it's like knowing that books are going to be burnt.
losing words is painful for some/many of us.
are we also book hoarders?
Aa (u.19629) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 13, 2002 7:58 PM
Your Digression series is a treasure, and I wanted to have an
easily findable list which also gave the date and title. Putting
it on the very first in the series made sense to me, because it
won't get covered up and lost out of sight, being at a definite
spot on one unchangeable end of the series.
Speaking of laziness, doing the list was very labor-intensive.
// Although my last Spanish class was in high school and
therefore many years ago, I never forgot the word for lazy. My
long-time custom was, whenever I'm trying to avoid doing
something, to self-name-call myself "Perezoso!" Finally I
realized that I was getting it wrong, and the word should have
been "Perezosa".
Deb, your name is quite contrary to lazy: it is Hebrew for "bee"
, known for its industrious non-laziness. Beth is Hebrew for "
house" (Bethlehem = house of bread), and Margo is a diminutive of
Margaret, Latin for "a pearl". Debacle? Well, debacle speaks
for itself, just as Debacle speaks for himself.
We're all in a position of not being able to complain that this
thread takes too long to load because of being too long. We're
just making it longer and longer, here in our little "dead-thread
head" group, at the border of public and private in Abuzzness.
Tons of nudity, moondoggy.
Hairy parts bouncing here, there, everywhere.
Yes, I cringe as I work back through my threads, discarding in the face of time some that matter for the group if not for me in that thread..
I am sorry I waited a day or two to get started on this. And, I am getting slow highlight scroll tendonitis and I demand restitution.
Debacle Quick stats
Added on Thu, Oct 18, 2001 11:47 PM
My dear seattlefriend:
Ici, sici, toil et quici? Es-qui-mo terms, eh? I only know two
words in that lingo: "igloo" and "ig", both referring to houses,
the latter signifying one sans toilet.
Afraid my experience with foreign tongues is limited to the
linguafrancas of the mid-latitude nations. Esquimo, Finnish,
Norweigian, etc., are beyond my ken.
Mention of Norweigian brings me in a roundabout way to the topic
at hand. Somewhere hereon, our gracious hostess kindly provided
a poem, but as it takes two such to bring about diversification,
I thought to supply a sequel, and the idea of Norway has brought
to mind a verse I heard recently. It goes:
"There was a young lady from Norway
Who hang by her heels in the doorway;
She yelled "Hey, Ivan, ...
<<< How this Russian chap happened to be in Norway wasn't
explained, but then perhaps the event didn't actually take place
in that country, as it only states the lady was FROM there, and
the doorway could well have been in St. Petersburg or Moscow; be
that as it may, she called to this chap Ivan >>>
"Get the heck off the divan ...
<<< This is not particularly clear, I'll admit, as it seems to me
that from her peculiar vantage point, it must have appeared that
the divan was in fact on Ivan, but I suppose we must make
allowance for a bit of poetic license and that the chap was
called to rush and help the damsel. >>>
"I think I've found one more way."
Piffka - can you not go to edit, and click on "select all" and then "copy"?????
That is what I am doing - or are you being very selective???