Fri 27 Aug, 2004 02:21 am
I loved Abuzz.
Share your memories.
Copy some of them to here, dammit!
The Mods will let us know if that is not ok.
Dammit, I am kinda crying.
Well, I loved Abuzz up to a point. I have mentioned this before, but I do miss conversing with Vincent on all matters culinary. It would be really nice if he came over here.
Copy and paste some special converse?????
Don't have none bun.

I also forgot my password, but I'll try. My last converse on Abuzz would already be more than two years old.
Unfortunaly. It was a excellent website.
The PUP's.
They were a group of Activists who would post topics and discuss them.
Listening for now. Abuzz introuduced me to the Internet at a time when I had a lot of local grief in the Real World.
I'm so glad I've found you all over here. I miss Abuzz too. I check in to see if there are any new cooking topics occasionally. I'ts too bad that the administration can't control the spoilers.
I came across it just after I bought my first (second-hand) computer.
I was glorying in accessing international media - and liked the NYT - somehow I ended up in Abuzz - which was strongly advertised, then. I recall kind of looking around a bit - gradually becoming interested, then, on the 7th September 2000, finally daring to join, and post a tiny bit - terrified that I would be rejected or treated meanly in this strange new cyber-world.
A few people were nice and welcoming - which was amazing. What fun it was to have the little responses appear in my emails!
Soon, I was learning a lot and beginning to have real fun.
The place was awash in drama - the changeover to a new way of giving approbation and such, which many saw as a ruination - the banning of Dakotastone over identity theft - the little community was perturbed and unsettled.
As a newbie, I had little understanding of the drama - but, already, Abuzz was bemoaning the passing of a golden age.
If I remember correctly, I met Dlowan during the great Viagra barrel incident.
We became friends during that chapter of time and then over the years drifted apart.
I sometimes think back to those days, when me and Dlowan were buddies, and a tear comes to my eye.
I would think not. I wonder if highlights are ok????
Lol! I remember that thread! You can't cut, it is such a quick, snappy thread.
Monterey Jack...
love 'em.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:If I remember correctly, I met Dlowan during the great Viagra barrel incident.
We became friends during that chapter of time and then over the years drifted apart.
I sometimes think back to those days, when me and Dlowan were buddies, and a tear comes to my eye.
Come on Gus - the masquerade is over - they KNOW!
We can hide our secret no longer - they have realised we are married.
dlowan wrote:they have realised we are married.
That's true, we all already know it. :-)
This one turned out funny by accident.
Wish the links still worked within it, though.