Slappy went to Dartmouth? Isn't that a girls school? Very funny!
well, I liked Abuzz until bad stuff started happening. I liked this one, cause it was right after 9/11
Most of the people I enjoyed there, I enjoy more here.
Where is GoAway? I miss her.
I have a few of my facorite threads saved so I can go back and remember the good old days. This was one that i wasn't personnally involved in but it is legendary.
please delete me from your God forsaken list of harrassment and pain
THAT thread!!!! I am SO saving it!!!
There were several about the Crones that I really got a kick out of reading, but I haven't been able to find them and I was really moved by the posts made during and after 9/11.
i must admit i really liked some of my own threads on there ...
Not just the succession of "what made you smile today" threads, but also, for example, "What frame for your mind?", "If Abuzz were a physical reality.. what would it look like?" and "What's your state of mind?", which each got some nicely imaginitive responses.
"Random sensation of the day" got some pretty stories, and "Oh Lord, won't you help me.." was a beautiful bluesy thread that helped me through a dark patch. "Do you miss your mama?" got some of the most moving and (bitter)sweet posts I saw. "Russia/Eastern Europe: Return of the political anecdote?" was a rare political/historical thread with some pretty interesting posts.
And those were just mine ...
Plus, there was this thread I have a personal fond memory of, which I started when I went to Greece for a week, and that I logged on to one long evening in a noisy Central-Greek netcafe, playing with the Abuzz acquaintances - that was fun ;-)
A lot of us had our first online community experience there, no? I think that's part of the excitement (OK, I'm speaking for myself). I well remember posting and posting and being ignored and getting REALLY IRRITATED ABOUT IT and posting and posting some more and then finally getting responses! And that was just so great.
(Jes was one of the first to actually respond, and she's always had a special place in my heart because of that.) (ehBeth too.) (Diva too.) (OK a lot of people, it just didn't happen nearly as FAST as I wanted it to.)
My favorite online thing ever was actually probably a chat on Diva's site, Les Anarchistes Artistiques (also recently departed, as of just a couple of weeks ago), with Diva, Kissy, Guth, and some others I forget who. sozlet was tiny, E.G. was out of town, I was stir-crazy, and so I ordered everyone to the chat room and lots of people happened to be online at the same time and we went on for hours and hours and it was insane.
But that's a digression. Can't think of a single favorite thread on Abuzz, though I'm desperate to get some of the earlier baby sozlet questions.
For some reason I really liked Jose Curevo's (Jose Cuervo! He was an enjoyable fellow) thread about what weather it was today - these just like random personal impressions of the weather any given day from around the world, I found it reassuring somehow ...
The play was great - especially at the times when people were there - and the real-time thingy worked - so it was sort of a bit like a chat - I couldn't believe it the first time I found myself communicating like that with people!
Oh that reminds me of the PLAY! First time I met Blatham. That was so fun!! I think I have that one saved, need to make sure.
That was one where eating and sleeping paled in significance compared to writing the new installment... (And reading!)
Post urls to favourite threads here, eh???
Helps know what to save!!!!
One of my favorites, if only for the people who showed up. Bet you still know them.
Duck Tour
This one got a little silly, but again, look who showed up!
Oh. Need I mention that on Abuzz, I was akaRoger?
And of course I was Gezzy.
(Anyone have the play url? I haven't found it yet.) (I admit that I keep getting sidetracked, though. Save save save save...)
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Walter- There is no way that I can keep up with you. I think that you have heard of just about everything! :wink:
Well, Nutella became popular exactly in the country where I live .... and when I was young(er).
[Actually, I'm one of those two or three Germans, who don't like it
