Abuzz memories - share 'em, love 'em, post 'em.

Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:30 pm
The art threads were really excellent with people like Nobody, Farmer,
Fatima, JoanneD, Colorific, Osso, Booman, Firenze, 400. Not all have made the leap to A2K, but I live in hope!

I especially liked the way some completely unknown contributors would leap into the discussions out of nowhere and make threads really crackle.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:35 pm
Here's a dumb question - I have saved lots of urls from abuzz, but I presume they won't work at all after Sept 2 (???) To save the contents, I have to cut and paste to a Word or Works program, right?

I have a fat batch of urls for cooking discussions....
and at least one whole digression thread. I treasured those digressions.. thank you for all that, Dlowan.

I think Roger was the first person to ever answer a post of mine on Abuzz, therefore my first person to talk to online. How amazing it was to me. And I do remember being confused that no one answered my first question, which was some query about corgis. I think I thought corgi experts would just line up and answer..
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:36 pm
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:47 pm
Just found out that asherman answered my first question (I always thought, it had been roger, too :wink: ).
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:55 pm
Will you allow me a long copy/paste job? It seems appropriate, in terms of, ya know, paying homage ...

If Abuzz were a physical reality.. what would it look like?

What do you think - what do you imagine to be logging in to, checking out the latest interaction, in your mind's eye?

The politics category, for example - is it like a smoky lounge filled with tweedy gentlemen? Or more like the line of soapboxes along Nevsky Prospect, anarchists, fascists and ordinary folks venting their highly individual world views? And what about Film? Is it a college hall, filled with eager students? Or more like the exit of a multiplex, moviegoers huddling around and muttering.. "so, what did you think?" or "crap movie that was - huhhuh"? Myself I imagine it to be like the central meeting point of a film festival, people carrying their programs and gossiping about the newest release, sipping their wine..

And Misc? What freaky building would approach the size and shape of this flippant virtual space? You have any ideas on this, too, or is it just my imagination running wild <bg>?

no-itsme, habibi created this Question on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 3:39 AM.

TerryDoolittle Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:13 AM

The misc. circle would be a madhouse....men walking around in nothing but their boxer shorts, boozing, singing, demanding Christmas presents, and bitching about nothing at all.....And lest we forget all the kissing and flirting that tends to happen there

The books circle would definitely be an oak paneled library with heated discussions going on in various groups....

I need time to think of more.

MassCass Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:14 AM

Sometimes its like relaxing in your favorite chair, nice and cozy and fuzzy warm feelings, with friends around and lots of interesting tales to tell

other times its like sitting in your favorite pub .. where everyone knows your name..!...and just giving out your own thoughts randomly

and then, well theres those times when you feel like you're sitting in the middle of a oom with a tiled floor, the hard chairs are in a large circle, and your sharing your deepest darkest moments with others who know what your saying or fell the need to know it...

then there really is a time when sitting on morganwoods front porch...looking out into the mountains...some people are drinking wine and having intelligent conversations, some are playing horseshoes and drinking beers, others are playing with the Irishwolfhoud, and still those others are sitting in a rocker watching it all go on

no-itsme, habibi Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:15 AM

MC and Li'l K - glad to have the hard core users come in first <grin> - must be a good sign..

When I think of Abuzz as a physical space, it's like a huge, labyrinthal thing, very sci-fi, with bobbing walls in bright colours and sliding doors that go ah in the dark - well, that would go for the Misc category, in any case ;-).

no-itsme, habibi Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:25 AM

The Politics category is in my mind very much like Nevsky Prospekt, thats why I came up with that example.. perhaps also because I joined it in mid-election season. At Nevsky (in St Petersburg), some years ago, you'd walk down the boulevard and each day find the same groups of people standing there, next to each other, selling their irregularly appearing journal to no-one in particular, or waving a flag aimlessly.. the young fascists with their inventively designed runes on their arms, the bearded anarchist with his cap, flag, and incidental disciple, the elderly couple selling Zhirinovskovo Pravda, a larger group of old-age pensioners discussing Communist politics - and all day long, people would actually stop by and discuss or just chat, with the guy on the metaphorical soapbox or each other - it was a freakshow, of course, but the politics was more picturesque than intimidating - these were the losers of the political game, in a way, who could go nowhere else to vent. So yeh - that's close to what I associate the Abuzz Politics category with <grin>

Ridinghood (u. 62735) Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:38 AM

This is a superb Q, by the way. I wish I were as imaginative as some of you. That answer about the politics threads sure rings a bell, and I'll remember it the next time I'm tempted to go there!

On the books circle, yes, a paneled room with deep leather chairs, and coffee and sherry discreetly circulating.

princessash185 Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 5:18 AM


I think the Boston and New York circles would be two bars, right next to eachother, with only a door and a big window in between. . . and e'd spend all day opening and closing the door to banter back and forth and make faces through the window. . . the " Boston Abuzzards" (Yes, you know who you are!! :-)) Would all sit in one corner downing huge glasses of whatever's on tap and waving genialy at the New York Abuzzers who, having no social structure, just wander back and forth around the bar, asking about why we don't come up with something like the Boston Abuzzards have. . . :-)

kuvasz1 Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 6:30 AM

yeap! a college dorm, clicks and geeks and nerds and cool cats and hippies and jesus freaks and druggies and everything in between, but dammit! no pizza delivery! and no security guards thank god! when we throw a refrigerator off of the 7th floor balcony just because, just because we want to see what happens and test newton's law of gravity.

shebears (u.58293) Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 7:45 AM

A large insect colony with a terminal/monitor at every trail's end and the trails have pheromones to mark them for others to follow. Like termites we devour the daily news and chew it into pulp or grist for the chat mill here and actually build our architecture out of it...some rather lofty towers in some cases. Step away from it and it appears to be just a large mound, however, or more to the point a lot of folks who have sniffed out like folks to chat about world events, their lives, news, etc. around the watercooler, coffeepot, in the tavern, parlor, couch, cellar, whatever, but they are all colony members busy chewing away on the pulp news and building precarious towers of applause or ratings with it.

dlowan( just a wee number again - 266846) Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 12:48 PM

Wonderful image, she bears!

I think I've been affected by Wyndham's book "The Chrysalids" in that I don't see a physical space, but more a sense of people entering the space in my mind. Each person. however, has a very clear think/feel impression - some are a bit visual, but most are a warm, or bright and zazzy, or deep and still and mysterious and wise, or ordered and measured feeling (a gestalt of all the senses I guess) etc etc. Some impressions happen because of names, each of which have a feeling or an image, others I "know" and the feeling is more complex. I'm aware of a sort of buzz happening around me - and every now and then I step in some psychic dog pooh and become aware of strange currents flowing around. These feel hot and wounded, or twisted.

Now I'm addicted to shebears tower images though! But they will be not quite visual towers, thet will be feelings and temperatures and sounds and colours and sensations that have no name, really. I guess they have the structure of pre or non-verbal thoughts, actually!

marypope (U.11925) Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 2:06 PM

To me, Abuzz is like a long train trip - you get on and there are already people on the train, chatting and discussing in the club car, and some of them get off and some more get on and the discussion continues, and changes topic occasionally . Now and again, somebody gets a bit rowdy, and gets either ignored or jeered, but he or she eventually goes away and there's always a new person or two at the next stop to fill in. Some people set up another discussion at the end of the car, and it sounds good, so you wander over for a while and either stay or leave after a bit.

But it's always going on, 24 hours a day, in the club car, and whether or not you're there you always wonder what you're missing.

no-itsme, habibi Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:15 PM

[..] That's also a way to perceive of Abuzz, btw.. just like, in late December, you might find yourself walking instead of driving, and crossing through this sidestreet, looking in almost (well, almost) inadvertently when passing from window to window, home to home, into all those domestic lives zapping by - christmas tree and dinner table here, scruffy couch and beer bottles there, and, see, this one's cool, all light and bright and neatly designed in white and grey - surfing Abuzz can be like that, too, you're loafing about from street to street looking in on this Q or that category, and get short glimpses of discourses structured entirely differently from what you're used to.. and you hold your step listening in, smiling about something someone says, and continue on your way again..

MassCass Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 4:47 PM

Our own living rooms, slouched on the couch, remote in hand


very strange


oh I like this one

I remember this


Oh yes, this Ill watch

DakotaStone Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jan 7, 2001 8:36 PM

The whole thing seems a combination of Mad Max territory and Waterworld.

Gravy Quick stats
Added on Mon, Jan 8, 2001 2:24 AM

The whole abuzz to me is visualized in the folowing way: A semi-hollow sphere in zero gravity, and I am floating with a jetpack in the middle (navigated by my fingers on the keyboard & mouse). The wall is a beehive; a lattice, actually most like inside a pommegranate. But when I get close to any of the cells, I get immersed into it like walking through its membrane, and then....
The miscellaneous abuzz: the marx-brothers film about a department store (one of my childhood favorites).
The News abuzz: the Hyde park speakers corner, everybody yelling in different directions.
The int'l news (especially the middle-east threads): WWF wrestling match, you know each of the participants and their favorite moves, and it's high drama, but pretty predictable.
The philosophy thread: everybody in Togas in the senate on mount olympus, pacing and talking
The spirituality thread: on a cloud
The relationship thread: a system malfunction causing the scene to alternate between Oprah and AllyMcBeal.

<......swishing through the membrane off into the lattice....>

toussaint Quick stats
Added on Mon, Jan 8, 2001 12:45 PM

A café where you can just sit at any table and take part in the hugging or the war, drink coffee or lots of wine, and then jump to another table with different people and more drinks...?

ehBeth u! 64446 Quick stats
Added on Tue, Jan 9, 2001 6:22 AM

great question no-itsme, i can hear you 'kicher'ing hear too! Abuzz is definitely an aural vs visual hallucination for me - buzzing, squeaking, bellowing, yelping, much giggling, shrieks of indignation, furtive whispering, people shouting to themselves and sometimes others, more laughing, occasional weeping with comforting murmurs following

it's definitely a noisy place, where you can easily be distracted by another conversation

MassCass Quick stats
Added on Tue, Jan 9, 2001 2:09 PM

An old age home
Some just whine and complain about anything, others just sit and look out into blank unreality, still others have lost their minds and dont care to know about it, and a few really like jello or chasing the fellow inmates umm residents

no-itsme, habibi Quick stats
Added on Tue, Jan 23, 2001 7:50 PM

Suddenly started thinking Abuzz could be like a huge playground, to chase each other round in, jump on all the swings and springs and smile and play tag <grins>

could be. <smiles>

even when, you know, sometimes reality'd set in and you'd sit down, exhausted, with some friendly aunts and uncles on the curb and sigh about things.. until your little friend comes to tap you on your shoulder and run off with you again.. yeh - something like that <bg>

<rushes off>

psyche's homegirl Quick stats
Added on Tue, Apr 3, 2001 8:05 PM

I guess it would have to be a park. <nods> Abuzz, to me, is like a big game of hide-n-seek, with people stopping every once in a while to talk. <nods>

<giggles> But that's probably because of HOW I use it. <nods, again>

It's like ... you know, you see someone's profile in an interaction and you see the interactions they're involved in - and this leads you to joining more interactions and ... yeah, it's like a big game of "Discovery" - like a treasure hunt, or something.

Those are just a couple, there's lots more still, for the moment, HERE
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 12:56 pm
Very enjoyable. :-)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 01:20 pm
Mass Cass-priceless
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 01:51 pm
I see quite a few familiar and much loved names being mentioned on Abuzz threads, but nothing about one of my favorites, ridinghood. I often wonder if she is well.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 02:07 pm
I loved Deb's Digression threads. Funny stuff... people seemed to outdo themselves. Here's some of Pyewackett's poetry:

Pyewackett aka Chib

Yodelling to the stars.

When my world gets claustrophobic and the cobwebs cloud my mind
I climb into my pick-up and I leave it all behind.
I head into the desert to a quiet place I know
To a sort-of pool of water where some sort-of trees still grow.

It's not a 'real-true' desert full of camels, dunes, and sand.
It's dull, dried out, and dusty - but it's very close to hand.
I pitch the tent and brew the tea - the frying pan gets hot
- And those fresh-air bacon sandwiches, they really hit the spot!

Later, night has fallen and there's not the slightest sound,
With my bottle and my guitar and my bag spread on the ground
I lie there 'neath that endless sky and play some gentle chords
And I have a quiet yodel 'cos I just don't have the words.

You can't say 'stars are majestic', or 'how wondrous is the
Or 'the glory in the silence'; it doesn't come out right.
But my soul comes close to bursting and my mind gets blown away.
My yodel tries to say those things my mouth's too dumb to say.

And if any of you ladies feel inclined to tag along
Your female yodelled harmony would greatly help my song.
I have no ulterior motives (Well, I have - but only slight!)
And we'll sing songs to the silence, to the stars, and to the

Hey! You flamin' drongos and all that yackin' is keepin' us awake
up here!!!
<Ah well; I'm awake now, bejasus. Might as well make the most of
it> [forces face into some kind of semblance of a smile]
Good morrow Abuzz persons. And may the rain fall on your cabbages
but never fall on you. (I quite like that line! Let's expand it a

"May your tree have great big apples
May the sun come shining through
May the rain fall on your cabbages and never fall on you.
May there always be someone to say,
'You shall go to the ball'!
And may you say as this day ends,
"Today was best of all"

Yewash; I know. Birthday card stuff. But I don't care this early
in the morning.

Dlowan et al.
Here's that 'Oz Poem' that was asked for (or offered. Or forced
onto you all. Who cares?) Bear in mind that I only had from
yesterday - and that I did it - so make allowances, OK? :-)
Anyway, it isn't a poem, it's a boozing song!

(Title sung to the tune of 'Skippy, the bush kangaroo')
"Squiddo. Squiddo. Squiddo the bush squidosaur"

It began with a bloke from beyond the Black Stump . Name of
Bruce; a good cobber of mine.
He was king of the D.I.Y. splicers of genes - him and his mate
Frank Instein.
They crossed a few ewes
With some red kangaroos
Woolly jumpers like never before.
But the best that they did
Was a huge Giant Squid
Which they crossed with a spare dinosaur

Squiddo weighed in around two thousand pounds; ran at better than
twenny miles an hour .
(The squid genes gave him precision control and the dinosaur
genes gave power)
He'd help a mate out.
He was good for his shout.
He was true-blue in all that he did.
But you're gonna shoot through
If you're throwing a blue
When you're around our cobber, Squid.

Old Squid was an Aussie, and like Aussies do; he had a good go
at the sport.
The cricket, the hockey, the footie, the track; and hours on the
town tennis court
He played Aussie rules,
Swum in all the best pools;
And he'd surfed every stretch of the coast
He was fast, he was keen
Like a well-oiled machine.
But rugby is what he loved most.

First time he played rugger for Queensland 'A' team; he was right
in the heart of the scrum.
The Springboks, they saw him and bolted the field. They cried and
said, "I want my Mum".
'Gainst the All-Blacks one day
Well - he blew them away!
He went through their lines like a charm.
The crowd gave a roar
As he touched down to score
With Lomu tucked under his arm.

Yeah; that's our beaut cobber, our bonzer mate Squid. He has
size, he has speed, he has class.
Those eight arms with suckers - he tackles 'em right. And he's
never once fumbled a pass.
He can charge like a truck
And destroy any ruck,
He can jink and change pace like a dream.
An ace player, too right!
There's a good chance he might . . .

. . . Make it into the Oz second team.

An irregular love song.

She was a Sunday-school teacher. She taught.
He was a preacher. Each Sunday he praught
(The choir were all screechers. How loudly they scraught).

He thought "I must speak of my love." So he spoke
"You are all that I seek; all I ever have soke"
She let one tear leak. Then several more loke.

If hearts can fly then hers surely flew;
Made her cry happier tears than she?d ever crew.
He said, "I'll dry your eyes, dear." And her tears he drew.

"May I steal a quick kiss." At her nod, such he stole.
"I will kneel and propose," he thought, saying as he knole
"Let me say how I feel. How I always have fole."

"I fear I tread paths I never dreamed would be trod.
I dread your refusal more than ever I've drod.
Pray wed me. How I wish we were already wod."

"You won't lose me," she cried. "Tis my heart that is lost.
You ask me to choose. And it's you I have chost.
You would never misuse me; you will never be mis-yost."

"Till death us do part," hear her swear. Then he swore
That their lives they would share as such lives should be shore.
Those whom the gods pair will forever be pore.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 02:16 pm
Lol - I hafta save those threads!!!

I miss Ridinghood terribly - sigh. I think the nasty un-moderated Abuzz was just too horrid for her - she took being followed around very badly.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 02:29 pm
Yes - I loved those Digression threads - thanks Deb!
Some good memories - thanks, Piffka, for finding that versifying of Pye's! (shows quite a good Oz insight!)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 09:14 pm

the digression threads....

how I loved them, and for just such as those pyewacket poems and debacle riffs, schniff.

I have to go find my black suit post. Doesn't compare, but it meant a lot to me at the time.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Aug, 2004 09:52 pm
I remember that black suit!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 12:45 am
So do I.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 01:12 am
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 02:27 am
The memory that just came to me (probably because I just got home from a bar with similar circumstances) was one of my first days there (also my first days online) and running into princessash saying she was waiting and positively dying to talk to "somebody".

Well, being new to the whole inteernet thing I said I'd talk to her, only to find I was the only one on Abuzz who didn't know that "somebody" was what in grammar is called the known subject neohihip (sp) and was dully rebuffed as if I'd asked to see her breastacles when, in reality, I'd sincerely thought she just wanted to chat with a more generic "someone".

Go figure, getting the ole barroom upturned nose (she was nice, don't get me wrong) online, and when I wasn't even trying...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 02:36 am
lol!!! AND you was a newbie!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 02:42 am
I was terrified to post - I think I got snubbed in a party thread, or something - so I sort of retreated to pets and such. I think Ethelred the Unready was the first to be kind - then, as I gained confidence, I kind of got wacky in pets - and burst out.

I think the thread the Digressions developed from was my first successful one....

I just looked at a thread from Sept 2000 with ehBeth and Setanta on it!!!! To think I have sort of known them for that long!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 02:57 am
(I am just storing urls here so I can copy the threads)

I need confusing:


There is where some of the fun confusing Americans with time began:

Aa (u.19629) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 2:44 PM

Okay! Perhaps in the process of un-confusing me, you will
confuse yourself, so we hope.

As you know, North America is on one side of the International
Date Line, and you are on the other. As a result, most of the
time it is already "tomorrow" for you. For example, it is still
Friday, July 27th (ca. 10:12 P.M.), here in California, whereas
for you it is already Saturday, July 28th.

My question: During which hours, if any, is it the same day and
date on *both* sides of the International Date Line?

dlowan( just a wee number again - 266846) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 3:21 PM

That is relatively easy! As you know - just on either side of the
date line, it is the same time but a different day. But you want
day and date.

I believe Australian Central Standard Time is thirteen and a half
hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time in the US of A - (but only
because of the date line) - so, midnight EDT USA = 1.30 pm
Australian CST. Therefore, the ten and a half hours between
Australian CST 1.30 pm and midnight - (US EDT = midnight to 10.30
am) are the same day and date in those particular time zones of
both countries.

Obviously, the answer changes as we move from time zone to time
zone in each country. Australia has roughly the same time
differences between east and west coasts as the USA - although
CST here is only half an hour behind Eastern Standard Time. It
gets more confusing in the Australian summer, because some
Australian states do not go onto summer time.

There - all nice and de-confused?

margo~1519236* Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 7:32 PM


All us nozzies are confused!

Comes of living downunder and tomorrow. We're simultaneously
ahead and under the rest of the world (or parts thereof!). I
reckon dlowan sounds less confused that the rest of us.
My confusion is increasing, but I suspect that it's related to
the bottle of (bubbling) red we're consuming while we wait for
dinner to cook.

Swimpy (u. 1316503) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 10:15 PM

Thanks, now I'm confused :-S

Swimpy (u. 1316503) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 10:25 PM

Deb, try this


dlowan( just a wee number again - 266846) Quick stats
Added on Sat, Jul 28, 2001 11:03 PM


YOUR bottle of sparkling red was supposed to help me? (She said
in her most Marvinesque voice.) Well, I've had Jameison's and Ang
Lee. It did not confuse me, sadly - I do not think it confused
anyone else, either.

Hope you enjoyed your meal.


That test was not confusing! Marvin tells you are wrong, no
matter what you say!

But thank's for trying. #8>}

Anyone else got anything confusing?

little_k Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jul 29, 2001 12:09 AM

Aa, During the morning in the states, it's nightime, the same
day, here.

So, if you're lucky, you can get a wake up call from someone who
is just going to bed in Oz.

little_k Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jul 29, 2001 12:09 AM

At this time I believe that US East coast time is 14 hours
behind Ausie East coast time (lessee, it's 10:40-ish here, what
does the time of my post say?). It will be more extreme in our
winter/your summer as we move our clocks in different directions.
East to South, you know?

And then, there is the fact that there are gaps between when you
all switch and when we all switch so, there are times when the
difference is less or more so for only a month or so.

Aa, old-timer EX_Winston (wow, almost forgot about him) was
merely a babe. We couldn't meet at bars unless they were 18
plus....but, he is an older-timer al the same.


little_k Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jul 29, 2001 12:14 AM

damn, I should learn to read through the WHOLE thread before
answering parts of it.

Dlowan - you have half-hour time differences?

dlowan( just a wee number again - 266846) Quick stats
Added on Sun, Jul 29, 2001 12:27 AM

Little k,

(Darn it - I am the one who needs confusing and it seems it's
working for everyone else but me!)

It all depends on how you look at time. After all - it's now for
all of us all the time, isn't it?

OK. Australian business etc life is dominated by Sydney and
Melbourne. They are on the east coast. It is therefore useful for
the middle of the country - where I live - to keep its time as
close as reasonably possible to Sydney time. So, although
distance-wise we are more than half an hour behind Sydney, we
minimise the gap. The states here are so big that the west of
South Australia sometimes threatens to go on Western Australia
time, because the position of the sun matters more to them
because they are mostly farmers.

In winter we have 3 time zones - eastern, central and western.
The business centre of the west, Perth. which is closer to some
Asian capitals than it is to Sydney, is right on tippy-toes at
the west coast - so western time is based on west coast time and
is, I believe, three and a half hours behind central time in
winter. (It might be only three.)

DON'T ask about summer time!

(More urls for me)


Is Somebody having your sex?



(If your mind were a room)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Aug, 2004 03:00 am
I remember feeling I had to be very, very careful about anything that I posted in my early days. I was new to the internet & Abuzz seemed to be extremely exacting! I was amazed & thrilled when my Mean & Evil Characters In Fiction thread received so many responses. Wow! That was nice.
0 Replies

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