@mark noble,
I now understand why you made this comment. You got me thinking and I've been studying up. Not a lot of solid information so I am doing the best I can to apply it.
Quote:Everywhere is 'occupied' by something (There is no 'Nothing').
I realise now that of course outside of time and space, there is no "where" or "there" therefore "nothing" cannot exist as a spatial concept. So I'll explain where I am left positioned on the matter (no pun intended)
If you use the term nothing to means no space. no time, no thing, it could be used as an abstract for what is "beyond" the limits of all that is finite.
The only way I can process the question fully, the idea of nothing would have to be approached dimension by dimension. There is nothing spatial (that we know of) and nothing Temporal (that we know of) external to the universe we inhabit, thus if anything exists, it operates in external dimensions.
Always learning, always adjusting, see while I like science, I am no scientist

I appreciate the exercise thanks Mark