Re: Globo cop :: the US shouldn't be globo cop, but what the
Craven de Kere wrote: 1) Ideally, would one nation be the globo cop or a group of nations.
A group of nations is the ethical and logical ideal ... and the larger the group, the better. Except for the matter of getting things done. The theoretic group exists in The UN. In practical terms, The UN is a business-driven cocktail circuit occasionally distracted by natural calamity or armed conflict.
Suspicions, agendas, jealousies, enmities, and treacheries are the day-to-day trade of nations, always have been, likley always will be. Perhaps the problem lies at least partially in the very concept of "Nations" itself. I think that probable, and explanitory of the enormous difficulty attendant on consensus, let alone cooperation among nations.
Dys makes a cogent observation re the dangers of efficiency. The Romans were efficient. Napoleon was efficient. More contemporary, and more disturbing examples of effiency abound. Efficiency too often becomes its own rationalization.
The only practical solution is a consortium of nations, perhaps with clear "Divisions of Labor" therein ... yet that invites a "Mercenary Elite". An undefeatable army can name an emporor if it decides to. Uniting the tribes is one thing ... uniting them militantly behind a single standard is entirely another.
In the real world, there will be, and are, relatively few real "Powers". There currently is a single Mega Power, then there are a few with more or less comparable technology, shared sensibilities and interests, and both less robust economies and smaller populations. Individually no one of them has near the power of the lone giant. Cooperatively, they are more than the equal of any tin-hat local dictator. That The UN and the EU tolerated the Balkan mess as long as it did is indefensible. With that as example, and an example not unique in recent history, it is apparent that only The Giant cares. If the others do not care for the way the Giant handles things, they should handle things before the Giant feels compelled to become involved.
I'll be back after a bit more thinkin'