Cycloptichorn wrote:It's not like you would pilot your boat over the border and see a great big line labelled 'cambodia' like a map or something,
no big sign with "welcome to cambodia. enjoy your stay!", accompanied by medallion signs for rotary, lions club and the chamber of commerce ?
i've seen things that say that all of this stuff took place within 5 miles of the cambodian border. for the sake of argument let's say this is accurate.
1969? i could tell you i was in louisville. but since i never knew where the city limit was, it may have been buechel. our address was louisville, buechel was +/- 5 miles away.
when i think of christmas, the last several years or this year, i envision the space of time that begins around mid december and ends +/- the second week of january. could be because most of the businesses that i have worked in slow way down for the holidays.
if you were to ask me what we did for christmas last year or what we plan for christmas this year, this is the context in which i would consider your question.
if you asked the same question of me regarding 1969;
i could tell you my pop got me my first guitar and amp. that, i am sure was on christmas day, because they were presents.
i could tell you that i went to my first "toys for tots" concert. actually seeing the buckinghams, the lemon pipers (yipe!) is "seared-seared"in my mind. i could not tell you the exact date of the concert. but it was " at christmas"...
i went next door to shoot pool and exchange gifts with the neighbors. we did this just about every year. couldn't tell you what exact date, but as i remember, it was "at christmas".
i don't know. maybe this is all semantics. but in this case at least, i have a hard time holding kerry to a standard that i couldn't meet.
so, as has been found to be fact, the u.s. had troops and shadowy intelligence guys in cambodia. therefore, kerry's credibility about this is fine with me.