i need help with this riddle please, oh please

Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2004 08:59 am
Look up gymnastics...A human bucking an animal is the vault which is nicknamed a buck and vaulting is nick-named bucking...I guess if you were really good at it you could get money. Not sure if this is the right direction.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2004 11:02 am
crazechck wrote:
Obviously you are the one that doesn't know what they are talking about. You can get the rulebook online! And I never said I had every question done in the book. It is far from that. I may have a little over half of them done. If you can read I said there were alot harder questions in the book then the ones you are asking help on.

Where online is the rulebook? I would honestly like to know. I have put outwit the west into the search engine and don't come up with any official site. I read the rules on the back of the instruction/sign up book about 5 times completely through and found NOTHING in there about how you could go about getting the answers, it just says to answer as many as you can. Nobody has any other set of rules since they don't get sent out til October. I have seen many people say that it is against the rules to post questions on the net but I don't see it so I would honestly like to know where you got that from so that I can look at it. I haven't posted any questions anywhere, heck I don't need to others have done it for me.
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Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2004 10:31 pm
Try highway 91
Hope this helps
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Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2004 08:09 am
What a cheater
I totoally agree about finding the answers on your own, I have spent hours in a library and online doing searches of al kinds and have found most al of the answers to the clues. I have not asked anyone except the ones on my team. Its not that hard really, you just look at the clues and word your search in different ways until you find the answer... keep pluggin away at it you'll find em. Very Happy I did, and some of them were a real pain.
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bipolar bear
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2004 07:07 pm
crazechck wrote:

The point is this post should be deleted! Whether you are asking for yourself or whatever. You are trying to get the answer and yes you can be traced by IP so I would delete it.

Where did you get the idea that anyone is going to trace you by IP? Are *you* going to do it, narc?
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bipolar bear
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2004 07:14 pm
bright light
zippy12287 wrote:
any ideas on the only light of its kind for 2000 miles????

yup, I know it!
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bipolar bear
Reply Fri 17 Sep, 2004 07:16 pm
laqo wrote:
Look up gymnastics...A human bucking an animal is the vault which is nicknamed a buck and vaulting is nick-named bucking...I guess if you were really good at it you could get money. Not sure if this is the right direction.

I did gymnastic for 12 years and never heard it called bucking.
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Reply Wed 13 Oct, 2004 11:17 am
Not everyone can be as "smart" as "crazechck" and if we can help each other (each of us are supposed to be in teams anyway) then what's the harm. The game is supposed to be 'fun' also and not so cutthroat - amazing how money is the root of all evil....
Anyway in my research I found the question has to do with poker - namely Tiger/Faro - card game.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Nov, 2004 05:02 pm
check your rules book again Honey
Well apparently Crazechk Didn't REALLY read her rules book, because there is NO mention on How a team is to come up with the answers. As long as your packet is completed and sent in by Dec. 13th.
This is one of our last ones that our team can't decide on, and we have a different take than what most people have posted on these type sights...Would like to see what everyone thinks....The general concensus is that the answer is either Tiger or Faro.
But what about "Deer". A deer is an animal that is bucked when it is skinned. Deerskin boots are called Bucks as well as the hides. "If you do it well, you'll win a few bucks to boot". Just a thought. We can't make up our minds, and the answer book says to read and re-read the question for clues to the answer...."Do it well and win a few bucks 'TO BOOT'...." Hell I don't know...
Let me know what you think...
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:24 am
an adept hooker? gigolo maybe?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:25 am
an adept hooker? gigolo maybe?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 09:30 am
Optimus...now you have my team thinking. We have only one left. We found the answers to the gee ho one but we just aren't sure if being in Utah changes it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2004 11:04 pm
could be a sheep?
ever watch a rodeo?
this is a money winner
0 Replies

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