Thats the problem with believing you know something Bill, youre always being surprised.
With Moores law being as dead on as its been, weve already got the capability to develop a postage stamp sized gizmo that can act as a machine and a robot and a tv camera . Hawking was speculating on a physical limit of "shrinkage" of the crafts electronics. Is it even a limit.
We already accelerate "rail gun" pellets of zircon titanide at 50 g, and this nanocraft would NOIT be starting from zero when its fired on.
Heat dissipation is, as I understand , a matter of developing a lattice" so the thing acts like a particle in space.
The only real limit I see that they havent been able to overcome is "slamming into somethiong " by an unsteerable vessel. SO for this problem, they will plan to launch hundreds rather than just one. That way they use gaming statistics.
Dont be a buzzkill even if you think you know it all Bill.
My cell phone of today has more computing and communication power than the entire space program had at the time of the moon launch. When we think we know something we always fail to recognize "breakthroughs" in science that will occur in the next generations.
I, for one, am gonna keep reading the literature about this over the next few years.
As far as Im concerned, the only limitations to such a project is
1. determination
2 institutional hubris
everything else is just an unforeseen challenge that can be met.