Why Would Any Military Person Suppoert Bush?

Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 07:43 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Facts is facts, ehBeth.

That's been my point, timber. My recommendation to a couple of Bush supporters to look at factcheck and perhaps consider a subscription to their updates didn't go over brilliantly. Bias, doncha know. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 09:18 pm
What was found was continued and continuing Iraqi evasion, duplicity, obstructionism, and defiance of the demands of The UN.

... which makes you guilty of... what? The fact that they disliked and decided not to make things easy on U.N. inspectors does not mean they had the vast stores of WMD that Bush and his Admin. continually told the American people he had, for months. I'd rather not get into a debate on that one as the facts have sort of bourn out my side....

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2004 10:20 pm
au1929 wrote:
As to the costs involved in providing the promised benefits to veterans. If there is enough money to give large tax cuts to the wealthy...

Brandon9000 wrote:
Your allegation was that the tax cut was for the wealthy. Aside from repeating the statement, how have you demonstrated it? The tax cut is not really that far from a flat percentage back across the different brackets. How is this for the wealthy?

au1929 wrote:
My allegation was not that the tax cuts were for the wealthy. However, within those tax a fair amount of the money went to the wealthy. If they could afford to cut tax for the wealthy One would think that surely they should be able to find funds for the veterans.


I do not know much about how the treatment of veterans has changed during this administration, and will only accept neutral sources of information that describe the entire situation.

au1929 wrote:
Turn about is fair play. If you as you can ask me to prove he was AWOL. Why is it improper for me to ask you to prove he wasn't? The evidence is inconclusive in either case. OH! I forgot you are a republican a paragon of truth and integrity. Bull Crap.

Because when you accuse someone of a crime, you have to present convincing evidence. The accused is not obligated to prove himself innocent. So present some real evidence that he did, not just that he might have. But here's the really interesting question. If you believe that the evidence that he was AWOL is "inconclusive," then was it not dishonorable for you to refer him as being AWOL "again" in a previous post?

Brandon9000 wrote:
What lie did he base the preemptive attack upon.

au1929 wrote:
Need I really say it WMD's.

When did he lie about WMD? Please cite a statement by him and provide evidence that it was a lie. However, I will not accept anything that could easily be his true opinion at the time as a lie without evidence that it is. If I am having dinner with friend and say, "Joe will be here too," but Joe never shows up, it is only a lie if I knew it was false when I said it.

au1929 wrote:
And all he succeeded in doing is Kill almost 1000 American service people, Grievously wounding 26000 more as well killing and wounding thousands of Iraqis. Men women and children. In addition he squandered billions of dollars basically looting the treasury and putting us under staggering debt for many years to come.

Brandon9000 wrote:
Are you saying that all wars are inherently improper? Most of them fit this kind of description.

au1929 wrote:
I am saying that the killing is unwarranted because this war was unwarranted

This war was not only warranted, but made absolutely necessary by the lack of evidence that Iraq had destroyed all WMD and WMD programs, and the long time behavior of Hussein suggesting that he wanted to deceive the inspectors. Had he still been developing them, we could not allow him to stall us while he completed the work. We had been trying to get him to verifiably disarm for a very long time.

Brandon9000 wrote:
1. Based on the totality of the history with Iraq, at the time of invasion, there was significant probability that Iraq still had WMD and WMD programs. We had been trying to negotiate this for a dozen years. Had Hussein been developing and stockpiling WMD, there would have been a finite window of time to stop him. One single WMD used in a western city could kill an unimaginable number of people all at once - conceivably a million in some scenarios.

au1929 wrote:
At the time of the Invasion the inspectors were in Iraq looking for these supposed WMD's. That is what the UN was asking for and that is what they were getting. There is and was no justification for the invasion. Except that Cowboy George that great and knowledgeable military tactician wanted it.

The justification was that we had been playing this game with Hussein, who has promised to destroy the weapons and programs, for a dozen years, and he had demonstrated an intention to deceive. Someone who wants to disarm isn't going to take 12 years to do it. The unimaginable power of the weapons forced us to take the matter very seriously. One single WMD of certain sorts could probably wipe out Washington, DC in one event. That's one use of one weapon. We did not have a very good view of what Iraq might have been working on behind the scenes and couldn't take the chance that it was in an advanced stage with the WMD programs which it had been known to possess before. We couldn't safely allow the game to drag on forever.

Brandon9000 wrote:
2. We cannot invade NK because they already have the bomb and could kill on a colossal scale the minute we started an invasion. In fact, we invaded Iraq to prevent Hussein from achieving this near invulnerability.

au1929 wrote:
Right you are we can't attack an enemy that can fight back. So I guess it is OK if they drop a bomb on one of our cities. PS. I am not advocating that we attck N. Korea

Do you believe that we can attack them - a country that has nukes now and could kill a million people in the first hour of the conflict? That's madness. Yes, they might use one of their nukes on our cities. That is absolutely true. That is why we are negotiating with them to disarm. Unfortunately, the fact that they already have nukes means that even if they are utterly unreasonable, we cannot leave the negotiating table. We could not allow the possibility of Hussein achieving this level of near invulnerability by stalling us until he could complete his WMD development programs.

Brandon9000 wrote:
3. Iran has many factors pro and con invasion. It is a much more complex situation. But to name just one factor, we have not been trying to get Iran to live up to a promise to disarm for a dozen years.

au1929 wrote:
OH, so it is time of defiance that counts. Iran has basically told Bush and the US to screw itself. But that is OK because it was only for a short period of time. By the way how long is to long.

First of all, I said that there are many factors pro and con and that that was only an example of one of them. However, to respond to your comment, a failure in negotiations is not usually a reason for war, but a very prolonged failure of negotiations together with a lot of evidence of bad faith on the other side can be in some cases.

au1929 wrote:
I should note that we the US in working on new tactical nuclear weapons all the while insisting that others should not posses them. Does that meet with your approval?

Yes and no. First of all, the world will never be safe as long as anyone possesses nuclear weapons, so in the long term it would be desirable for all of them to go away. Second, the fact that we have them does not in the least make it unfair for us to say that the worst of the worst dictators cannot have them, when a few other criteria are also met. The fact that I own a gun (if I did) would not make it unfair for me to prohibit an ex-con with a history of violent crime from owning them. Thirdly, I strongly disapprove of the idea of us ever using nuclear weapons except in the case of imminent danger to the nation. Part of what has kept the world safe since WW 2 is the precedent that nuclear weapons are too terrible to ever use.

Brandon9000 wrote:
So, then, you think that FDR should have lain awake all night racked with guilt about WW 2? The deaths in a war are always tragic, particularly of non-combatants, but the deaths that would be caused by one single WMD being used are probably unimaginably higher.

au1929 wrote:
I would not doubt that Roosevelt was more disturbed over the deaths of our servicemen that Bush is. And one must remember that WW2 was a war of necesity not choice.

Many people in this country feel that the invasion of Iraq was a war of necessity, and at the time, I believe that more than half did. Obviously Bush feels that it was necessary. Also, I am pretty sure that you do not know how Bush feels about the death of soldiers under his command.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:43 am
Bush administration has repeatedly lied to support the war.

From the time that the Bush administration began pushing for war in Iraq they have repeatedly made press statements that have proven to be false and statements made on unsupported information.  This has been done to inspire a feeling of fear among the public with the hope that people would support the war out of a fear of imminent attack from Saddam Hussein.

In discussing the resignation of Rand Beers from the National Security Council James Bamford, author and intelligence expert, said that "There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. There is also a tremendous amount of embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there have been so many lies out of the administration -- by the president, (Vice President Dick) Cheney and (Secretary of State Colin) Powell -- over Iraq."  - March 19, 2003


Below is a short list of some of the lies that have been told in order to support the war (linked are both original news stories as they appeared and new pieces after they were debunked ):

There will be no war if Saddam leaves.  This is false.  The plan was to invade even if Saddam did leave.  The premise for invasion was to be searching for weapons of mass destruction by American forces.  So, it didn’t matter if Saddam left or not, the invasion would still have taken place.  
The Powell paper that was sited as a source of information for an address to the UN Security Council, and the world, which made statements about the Iraqi regime and its involvement with terrorist organizations and weapons of mass destruction, was later exposed as a paper written by a graduate student from California.  Prior to making the statement to the UN Powell said: "My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence." 
The claim that was made that put America on “code orange” and sent millions to the store to buy duct tape and plastic for their windows was later exposed as baseless.  The claim was that there was a “significant threat” of a massive chemical weapons attack on American soil “soon”.  This news terrified the country and had many running for cover.  Within a day though it was later exposed as baseless.  Of course there was no problem spreading the lie to promote a sense of fear in the public.

The claim that Iraq had a fleet of unmanned aircraft that could possibly reach America and deliver weapons of mass destruction was quickly circulated in the press, it too turned out to be a lie.

Bush sited a report that stated that the International Atomic Energy Agency said the Iraqis were six months away from developing atomic weapons.  There was actually no report at all.  This was pure fabrication.
http://way.nu/archives/000422.html This is just a short list of lies told by the Bush administration that are directly related to this war current war, “Operation Iraqi Freedom”.

For a more extensive list of the Bush lies to support the war see:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:47 am
If you believe that Bush didn't lie about the war, then you should want him removed from office for gross negligence, right? The fact-checking his admin did on the intelligence was non-existent.

If a corporate chair was in charge during such a fiasco, he's be out on his ass so quick you wouldn't have time to blink. We should hold the president to at least the same standard.

Either Bush knowingly lied, or he was so easily mislead as to show incompetence. Either way he is no longer fit to run the country.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 10:58 am
I do not know much about how the treatment of veterans has changed during this administration, and will only accept neutral sources of information that describe the entire situation.

You will accept? Who give a fiddlers F**** what you will accept.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:05 am
Not only do I believe that his being AWOL was covered up. His being able to get into the Guard and it's flight program by jumping over people who had waited longer and were more qualified is fraud. Does that constitute a crime?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:21 am

Do you believe that we can attack them - a country that has nukes now and could kill a million people in the first hour of the conflict? That's madness. Yes, they might use one of their nukes on our cities. That is absolutely true. That is why we are negotiating with them to disarm. Unfortunately, the fact that they already have nukes means that even if they are utterly unreasonable, we cannot leave the negotiating table. We could not allow the possibility of Hussein achieving this level of near invulnerability by stalling us until he could complete his WMD development programs.

Did I say we should attack them? I said "PS. I am not advocating that we attack N. Korea".. I wrote that because I know your tendency to read only what you want to.

Negotiating with them, Ha! It is this administrations "Diplomacy" that soured the negotiations in the first place. Bush did not want to negotiate. He like the child that he is had and still has the attitude of my way or the highway. And he certainly did not sweeten things with his ridiculous axis of evil speech.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:31 am
au1929 wrote:
I should note that we the US in working on new tactical nuclear weapons all the while insisting that others should not posses them. Does that meet with your approval?

Brandon said
Yes and no. First of all, the world will never be safe as long as anyone possesses nuclear weapons, so in the long term it would be desirable for all of them to go away. Second, the fact that we have them does not in the least make it unfair for us to say that the worst of the worst dictators cannot have them, when a few other criteria are also met. The fact that I own a gun (if I did) would not make it unfair for me to prohibit an ex-con with a history of violent crime from owning them.

Nuclear weapons are at this point a fact of life and to say they are a danger to the world may be true but it is repeating the obvious. However, as far as saying the worst dictators can not have them. Let me enlighten you . That is how nations view G. Bush. And who can blame them?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:42 am
Baldimo wrote:

Corporate welfare can be a good thing, it helps keeps jobs in the country

ye gads! surely you jest??

imho, what should keep jobs in the country is the concept that at the rate things are going, our country will no longer be able to actually, physically, manufacture anything. at least not for an american owned company...

did you know that recently there was a debate in government/defense dept. whether or not to purchase foriegn made ammunition instead of american made because it's cheaper?? incredible!

as far as the va goes, they could probably do a lot of good with the 18 billion dollar, non-repayable gift to those liberated and grateful iraqis.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 11:47 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
How do you show evidence that you've destroyed something? After all, it's destroyed. There's not supposed to be a ton of evidence left.


geez cyclo... again with the logic. i mean really...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 12:01 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:

Sorry, but this is hilarious. As I think someone else asked here, since when is it proper to accuse someone of a crime and then demand that he prove his innocence?

ummm... i guess since the swift boat guys hit the stage a month or 2 back?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 12:03 pm
DTOM Wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:

Sorry, but this is hilarious. As I think someone else asked here, since when is it proper to accuse someone of a crime and then demand that he prove his innocence?

ummm... i guess since the swift boat guys hit the stage a month or 2 back?

Priceless. Brandon, you are toasted on this one.

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Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 12:12 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
DTOM Wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:

Sorry, but this is hilarious. As I think someone else asked here, since when is it proper to accuse someone of a crime and then demand that he prove his innocence?

ummm... i guess since the swift boat guys hit the stage a month or 2 back?

Priceless. Brandon, you are toasted on this one.


Shocked Sad Evil or Very Mad
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 12:18 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 02:23 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
Baldimo wrote:

Corporate welfare can be a good thing, it helps keeps jobs in the country

imho, what should keep jobs in the country is the concept that at the rate things are going, our country will no longer be able to actually, physically, manufacture anything. at least not for an american owned company...

Do you know why there are so many jobs leaving the country? I can think of a person who was responsible for setting up trade with China, and allowed many American companies to move their manufacturing there. When was the last time you looked at a child's toy and saw "Made in the U.S.A." on it? Even my 7 year old asked me how come all his toys were made in China. I didn't know what to tell him.

How do we explain all the manufacturing jobs that have been shipped to Mexico? You can explain it by using the acronym N.A.F.T.A, which allowed a lot of jobs to be shipped over to Mexico and put thousands of US citizens who worked for US companies out of jobs. To claim anything else isn't being honest.

did you know that recently there was a debate in government/defense dept. whether or not to purchase foriegn made ammunition instead of american made because it's cheaper?? incredible!

As a US servicemen I don't like the idea of using foreign made ammo, due to the fact that we don't know what type of quality checks are do by those companies. What I don't understand is why you are mad at the govt for trying to save some of our hard earned tax money. Wouldn't you be happy for the govt to not spend so much money and save some?

as far as the va goes, they could probably do a lot of good with the 18 billion dollar, non-repayable gift to those liberated and grateful iraqis.

I would agree but that money is going to help the Iraqi govt get back on its feet. I would rather let them have the money then to not give it to them at all. I bet you would have been just as mad at Bush if they had made the money a loan. Then you would have been screaming that this was another attempt to make more money off of the poor Iraqi people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 03:01 pm
au1929 wrote:
Not only do I believe that his being AWOL was covered up. His being able to get into the Guard and it's flight program by jumping over people who had waited longer and were more qualified is fraud. Does that constitute a crime?

Being AWOL would constitute a crime if it were true. Do you have any evidence, not that he could have been AWOL, but that he was AWOL?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 03:11 pm
Brandon wrote:
2. We cannot invade NK because they already have the bomb and could kill on a colossal scale the minute we started an invasion. In fact, we invaded Iraq to prevent Hussein from achieving this near invulnerability.

au1929 wrote:
Right you are we can't attack an enemy that can fight back. So I guess it is OK if they drop a bomb on one of our cities. PS. I am not advocating that we attck N. Korea...

Brandon9000 wrote:
Do you believe that we can attack them - a country that has nukes now and could kill a million people in the first hour of the conflict? That's madness. Yes, they might use one of their nukes on our cities. That is absolutely true. That is why we are negotiating with them to disarm. Unfortunately, the fact that they already have nukes means that even if they are utterly unreasonable, we cannot leave the negotiating table. We could not allow the possibility of Hussein achieving this level of near invulnerability by stalling us until he could complete his WMD development programs.

au1929 wrote:
Did I say we should attack them? I said "PS. I am not advocating that we attack N. Korea".. I wrote that because I know your tendency to read only what you want to.


1. I said we can't invade NK because they have nukes.
2. You implied that it was ignoble to have a policy of not attacking countries that can fight back.
3. I asked whether you do then believe it does make any kind of sense to invade a nuclear power.
4. You say, "I am not advocating that we attack NK."

In this case, I don't understand the point of your first comment above finding fault with my position that it is too dangerous to invade a nuclear power. Please explain what your problem was with my position expressed in the topmost post.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 03:11 pm
What I don't understand is why you are mad at the govt for trying to save some of our hard earned tax money. Wouldn't you be happy for the govt to not spend so much money and save some?

No. It doesn't really save the governement money at all.

Ya see, when a huge contract like that goes overseas, it has effects back home. People lose their jobs, plants close down, and then we just add to the problem of the sinking middle class.

It is thinking like this that has eroded our manufacturing base to practically nothing over the last 30 years.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2004 03:22 pm
au1929 wrote:
au1929 wrote:
I should note that we the US in working on new tactical nuclear weapons all the while insisting that others should not posses them. Does that meet with your approval?

Brandon said
Yes and no. First of all, the world will never be safe as long as anyone possesses nuclear weapons, so in the long term it would be desirable for all of them to go away. Second, the fact that we have them does not in the least make it unfair for us to say that the worst of the worst dictators cannot have them, when a few other criteria are also met. The fact that I own a gun (if I did) would not make it unfair for me to prohibit an ex-con with a history of violent crime from owning them.

Nuclear weapons are at this point a fact of life and to say they are a danger to the world may be true but it is repeating the obvious. However, as far as saying the worst dictators can not have them. Let me enlighten you . That is how nations view G. Bush. And who can blame them?

George Bush is the president of a country that has annual democratic elections. Thus, by definition, he is not a dictator, since a dictator is the national leader of a country that has no elections. However, the point here is that of all the people who are seeking WMD or will seek WMD in the future, there will be a few whom we must attempt to stop. We must attempt to stop the worst of the worst dictators from obtaining WMD. The point is that national leaders whose character and activities make it likely that they would actively use the weapons for conquest, or give them to terrorists, should be prevented from having them, in just the way that people who were convicted of certain types of crimes ought to be prevented from owning guns. If such people are allowed to accumulate WMD and work on perfecting more effective ones, the risk of the use of WMD will be greatly increased.
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