Thu 19 Aug, 2004 07:49 am
Hey, McGentrix, I'm sorry about all the excitement I caused when I said I was going to kick your ass.
I was just kidding. You look just like Ronald Reagan, and I sure as hell aint gonna beat up on an old timer.
I'll buy you a beer sometime and get you drunk and turn you into a friggin' liberal.
Sound good?
You don't want to see the image in my mind that popped up of how exactly you would turn him into a friggin' liberal.
Yes, I would like to see that image.
Post it please.
I don't wanna be a friggin' liberal. I tried it once when I was in college and it's not all it's cracked up to be. I still get nauseous when I smell patchoulli oil.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Yes, I would like to see that image.
Post it please.
OK, I'm definitely getting kicked off for this one.
<image of kerry s&m with UN removed>
I'm only get nauseous when I smell a conservative.
Bleat on oh Busheep.
PS. Wherever we march on the 29th--I'll be there:)
I hate to admit it, but i agree with McG . . .
. . . the smell of patchouli makes me ill, too . . .
Wow, McG, that was a good article. Thanks.
My distinct smell rememberance as a liberal is the smell of sex on the down low with the wives and girlfriends of uptight conservatives who can't satisfy them......not bad at all........
Thanks for posting that, McG! Sounds like they are pretty wise, imaginative and organized.
I love some of the ideas such as the altered maps and imbedded greeters. How fun! Only time I've ever wanted to be a New Yorker!
Yeah, I figured some of you guys would enjoy it. Regardless of feelings towards the author...
Yeah, the prostitutes one gets a little too creepy, but I have to admit I smiled at the altered maps...
Now THAT is a good piece.
My favorite part:
Quote:Anti-Republican sentiment is rising to a fever pitch here as the dog days tick down to the dreaded affair. A poll cited by the local ABC affiliate shows 83 percent of New Yorkers don't want their city to host the RNC. And many of them are planning to do something about it.
It's nice to see our citizens getting involved in the election process.
More from the New Yorker, can't find it online, a "Sketchbook" by Bruce McCall that purports to be a guide for the GOP delegates. It includes:
- Did you know? Every Convention delegate is entitled to one FREE sample from any Madison Avenue bouique. Just grab it and head for the exit.
- Don't be a yokel -- take advantage of the special Convetion Guest Only tipping rate for any New York cab ride: ten cents, one thin dime. And don't forget to stuff it down the driver's collar as you exit. Wacky custom? Wacky town!
- [no parking sign] Strictly for tourists -- go ahead and park anywhere. [pay toll sign] What toll? Your money is no good here. Drive on through.
ETC.! :-)
That's just funny... but y'know, if the Republicans are so gullible as to swallow the Bush line, maybe they'll go for some of this "advice" as well.