What to do about 15yr old

Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 12:20 pm
My son will be 16 in November, he lived with me all his life up until a few months ago. His father and I were divorced when he was 6 mo and his father was not apart of his life until he turned 10. then he would go visit his father in W. V. every summer. I remarried and had 3 more boys. my husband is a wonderful father. My son turned 15 and with his birthday came the attitude of we owe him the world. We were doing great up until this point ( minus the everyday things). then my son started back talking and cussing and not doing what he was told. He got in to my husbands face and said I am not doing what you tell me your not my father. (mind you my husband has raised my son for the last 6 years and with little support from his real father.) So after about 5 months of this my son decided he wanted to live with his father in W.V. after all the trouble smoking, drinking ect.. we decided maybe it would be better for him and for our other kids if he went. I spoke to my ex and he understood the problems and agreed with me completley. My son has been there for two months now and seems to be having the time of his life. the problem is my ex lets him swear and do whatever he wants. when i call my son swears at his father while he is on the phone with me (in a joking manner) and his father just laughs. I am wondering if it was such a good idea to let him go now? Everything i tried to instill in my son: work for what you want, treat people kindly, do good in school, be accountable for your actions seem to be thrown out the window. what do I do? not asy anything? bring him home? any advice?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 732 • Replies: 4
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 01:44 pm
I am assuming you believed at the time you talked to your xh that he would parent your child to the best of his ability, right? If so, if you love your ds15, let him be happy living w/his dad and using swear words as terms of endearment between them... He wasn't using them toward you, right?- knowing your views of such words differ from your xh's?

What evidence do you use to base this?
Everything i tried to instill in my son: work for what you want, treat people kindly, do good in school, be accountable for your actions seem to be thrown out the window.
I don't see anything in your post explaining that his grades have dropped living with his father, or behavior one could describe as "doing good in school," has been affected negatively by moving w/his dad. In fact, wasn't it going downhill before he left to go??? If it's no worse than it was, and he's happy, I would try to motivate him to do better from afar by offering any sort of carrot that might get him to move in the direction you prefer, but let your xh lead the guiding, and make sure he agrees that offering whatever carrot is a good thing, inyour child's best interst. He's the one you ought to be talking to, find out what he thinks he's doing w/his system in place, what his goals are for your child and how they match your child's goals... kwim?
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 01:52 pm
I thought my ex and I were on the same page as far as parenting goes but I was wrong. Never would one of my children use those words in front of me. Yes he is happy there and as far as school goes he has not started yet. (this month it starts) I suppose you have a point, things were going down hill before he went there and he does seem to like being there I just do not approve of some of the things he is doing ie: cussing, being out late ect.. I have talked to my ex and he seems to think there is nothing wrong with it so I guess I have to let it go and see what happens. I just want my son to do wonderful things in life and be happy. I raised my son to not cuss, he had a curfew, he had chores, he had to work for the things he wanted like a new bike, or money to go out with his friends. Now he just gets it handed to him and his mouth is horrible. the other night when i was talking to him i asked to talk to his dad and he said "there in the f****** shower together" meaning his dad and his girlfriend. I told him I did not like that talk but he said mom Im almost 16. Just things like that bother me.

princesspupule wrote:
I am assuming you believed at the time you talked to your xh that he would parent your child to the best of his ability, right? If so, if you love your ds15, let him be happy living w/his dad and using swear words as terms of endearment between them... He wasn't using them toward you, right?- knowing your views of such words differ from your xh's?

What evidence do you use to base this?
Everything i tried to instill in my son: work for what you want, treat people kindly, do good in school, be accountable for your actions seem to be thrown out the window.
I don't see anything in your post explaining that his grades have dropped living with his father, or behavior one could describe as "doing good in school," has been affected negatively by moving w/his dad. In fact, wasn't it going downhill before he left to go??? If it's no worse than it was, and he's happy, I would try to motivate him to do better from afar by offering any sort of carrot that might get him to move in the direction you prefer, but let your xh lead the guiding, and make sure he agrees that offering whatever carrot is a good thing, inyour child's best interst. He's the one you ought to be talking to, find out what he thinks he's doing w/his system in place, what his goals are for your child and how they match your child's goals... kwim?
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 02:09 pm
If he's not doing anything illegal, I would just let it go for a year and see how he likes it there... I would try to motivate him to join some teams at school b/c participation usually requires keeping grades up to "C" or better, and then you aren't being "Mom-the-monitor," school will do that job. And your ds will probably meet friends who care about their grades and social things and getting along in society.

I would talk to your xh and make sure he goes over "safe sex" w/your ds b/c it sounds likely that if dad is in the shower w/a gf, he will be at the more liberal end of the spectrum regarding sexual exploration...

It doesn't sound like the best of all possible situations, but it is what it is, and you agreed to it, and your ds is happy, so it seems logical to give it a whole school year to work out its kinks. Good luck! Hope it all works out!
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Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 02:13 pm
You are right, nothing illegal adn he seems happy. Time will tell in this case and we will see what happens. thanks for the advice, i was almost ready to pull him home which probably would have made things worse.

princesspupule wrote:
If he's not doing anything illegal, I would just let it go for a year and see how he likes it there... I would try to motivate him to join some teams at school b/c participation usually requires keeping grades up to "C" or better, and then you aren't being "Mom-the-monitor," school will do that job. And your ds will probably meet friends who care about their grades and social things and getting along in society.

I would talk to your xh and make sure he goes over "safe sex" w/your ds b/c it sounds likely that if dad is in the shower w/a gf, he will be at the more liberal end of the spectrum regarding sexual exploration...

It doesn't sound like the best of all possible situations, but it is what it is, and you agreed to it, and your ds is happy, so it seems logical to give it a whole school year to work out its kinks. Good luck! Hope it all works out!
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